

Another javascript based bitcoin wallet


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- May 9, 2021
starstarstarstarstar WTF put some coins on it long ago and now they wanna charge 0.004 for the transfer? Thats like 220 euros.
- April 19, 2021
starstarstarstarstar Scam site. Charge .004 BTC to transfer out if you were dumb enough to put anything in. Hope they rot.
- April 7, 2021
starstarstarstarstar This is a scam website that looks legit. Avoid. I foolishly deposited money and struggling to cash out, even with their ridiculous cashout fees.
- April 4, 2021
starstarstarstarstar I put a whole Bitcoin at Strong Coin years ago. Occasionally I'd look at the site to see that it still had the BC there. Yes, said it did. Recently, as the BC value began exploding, I tried to move some of it to another wallet. Got right down to the end, then was told there was a checksum error. Further looking into it, I found that the site didn't accept my password (the special encryption password. Checking with some nerdy friends, I found that this site places you bitcoin (or embeds it) on your browser. What that means, I think, is that it writes the encrypted coin digits into a file used by your browser. Well, my deposit there was about three computers and four browser ago. I've tried everything I can think of to get my BC out of their system. Any ideas? I mean, I bought the thing for $780, and now it's worth a hundred times that. Halp?
- January 28, 2021
starstarstarstarstar Do not use Strongcoin. It is a scam. I sent my BitCoinCash to another wallet and now its gone. 400 dollars just gone. I have a smaller amount there in BitCoin but I cannot transfer it as StrongCoin steals 0,004 BTC in fees. I feel so dumb.
Any help would be appreciated, It is really tough times now.

- December 1, 2020
starstarstarstarstar This guys just stole my 77$ all in the name of transaction fee. Please i need help..Please donate me some btc to recover
- November 30, 2020
starstarstarstarstar It has been working OK for me. I did, however, experience the same problem than what Christina Smith wrote above. I had created the wallet and transferred some bitcoin there few years ago, and now when I tried to send, it asked me to type in another password. It wouldn't take my current login password nor my original login password (I had changed it, as is recommended to do once in a while). Luckily, I found the other password from my archives. Obviously it had asked me to create another password (an "encryption password" as Christina says) when I created the wallet and I had forgotten about it. After typing in this "encryption password" I was able to send bitcoin.
There are some cons as well. At least for now, it does not support native SegWit addresses, and the fees are quite expensive, as many others have also stated here. I don't have enough knowledge to estimate if the extra layer of security StrongCoin provides (private key encryption in the browser) is worth the extra costs in transaction fees.

- October 17, 2020
- November 1, 2018
starstarstarstarstar They are scam. I feel sorry they are top of Google. I didn't read the reviews. Their minimum transaction fee is 0.004 or $30 fee on this time. So I have lost $30 on my $100 to get it out of this shithole.
- September 10, 2018
starstarstarstarstar 0.004 for one transaction! they are crazy scammers. Stay far of this killer site
- July 13, 2018
starstarstarstarstar obnoxious fee of 1% or 0.004 BTC which is like $35 at the time of this posting. total scam. i tranfer 30 usd never ben able to se my money
please dont use it

- April 28, 2018
starstarstarstarstar DO NOT USE THIS WALLET.
It charges HUGE fees!! Never even consider this wallet, if you want a BCH or BTC wallet, just choose literally any other wallet.
Worst experience ever, lost most of my deposits.

- April 22, 2018
starstarstarstarstar obnoxious fee of 1% or 0.004 BTC which is like $35 at the time of this posting. i transferred like $80, and they took about half of it in fees when I transferred out. total scam.
- January 12, 2018
starstarstarstarstar SCAM I feel a doxing coming soon ;)
- October 2, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Strongcoin is a big SCAM !!!
I've trusted them and now lost all my money.
They should go to a prision.
Now what can I do? Just cry?

- September 30, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I am pretty sure they banned me for a reason. I pressed the "increase your security" in their wallet. But I didn't want to make a password of images, so I changed my mind and went back to the main page. "BANNED" it said. I could NOT get into the site in ANY means! I thought they had taken my 0.2 BTC. I even started saying "it is only $1000, don't go insane" to myself already. NO part of the page would work as I was banned everywhere.
Luckily I managed to log in using my 3G cell phone (so my IP address changed) and I saved my Bitcoin. Now I am storing it on a Ledger Wallet instead. This process was INSANELY scary.
For some reason they took 0.004 BTC as a transaction charge, which is an INSANE price just to move your BTC code around.
I will not use this site in the future. I am sure they mean well, but I feel the trust has been broken here.

- August 25, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Stroncoin will not respond to multiple emails and does not publish a phone number.
The will not allow me to send coins. The site maybe fraudulent

- June 24, 2017
starstarstarstarstar This people should be in jail. I created a account and transferred 1.5 bit coins. When I tried to send it, the site told me I had to decry pt my password. I use the same password for all the time and it wouldn't take it. I tried to get in contact with someone but there was only a email address and no one ever responded!!!!
- June 16, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I trafreed 600 dollars to there account last year, then when I tried to decrypt my password they said it didn't work, and they couldn't recovery, I am writing a online blog and review of on my website as I attempt to get my money off there god damn site. My bitcoins are now worth 2200.00 and still stuck.
My Blog is located here.

- June 9, 2017
starstarstarstarstar They got me for 600 in bit coins, You will be robbed.

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