UpdateWE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH: Instant Coin ltd. !!!
Find out about the best cryptocurrency websites at the moment, get news from the crypto space and start to build a community for people to share your idea's, products, websites and more.
We have also created the INSTANTCOIN token on the WAVES platform so people can use it for example:
To buy music from InstantlyBeatz, use it for trading and exchange value on a decentralized way with minimum fee's!
Help our website grow by buying the token or by donation. In total there are 100.000 tokens and 65.000 have been distributed this can be changed but will only be done by a voting system on this site in case if something will happen.
INSTANTCOIN tokens are distributed over 2 pairs: instantcoin/waves & instantcoin/btc but when bought it can be traded to for all cryptocurrencies currently traded on the exchange.
The tokens are greatly distributed over different prices so that there will be not a one person or a group of people that could buy all the tokens so the rest of the tokens will be slowly distributed in time and used when needed.
For example if we want to let people earn tokens in the future and if we want to keep it transparent and well distributed then like this everybody knows what they can expect.
To buy the INSTANTCOIN tokens use the online client and use the searchbar in the exchange, if you can't find it by name search for this id:
You can share your own website, designs and idea's we will for sure take a look at it.
Check this website frequently to stay updated or take a look at the new chat on the website, Slackchannel & Telegram so feel
free to share what's on your mind.
There is also a CLOTHING STORE with fresh t-shirts, sweaters and accessories available to order everywhere you want!
(Website currently is still under construction!)
Feel free to contact us, we are always open for new idea's and every little help can to make the community grow is welcome!
Write a reviewYour father - April 18, 2020
Adrik - December 29, 2018
chinkara - June 15, 2018
INSTANTCOIN - January 28, 2018