
Update is the first cryptocurrency and altcoin exchange aggregator. It has integrated many leading exchanges across the globe to provide best exchange rates to users. Currently, it supports over 100 cryptocurrencies and more than 6000 pairs to exchange. Here is the list of all supported coins at CoinSwitch:

Please write to [email protected] if you have any queries!

Why CoinSwitch?
1) CoinSwitch supports more than 250 cryptocurrencies and more than 6000 pairs for conversion.
2) They combine all altcoins available on all listed exchanges. So people don’t have to worry about which exchange supports what coins.
3) You can compare rates of different exchanges in a very intuitive UI which always gets you the best price.
4) We know the availability of exchanges better, so we can suggest the one which is working well for others.
5) They provide real-time chat support. So if you have any queries, it can be resolved on the go.

Major supported cryptocurrencies
It supports over 100 cryptocurrencies. Here are the few major ones.
Ethereum Classic
and many more...


Write a review
- March 3, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Perfectly guided services on the portal and impressive chat support. Best Bitcoin Exchange.
Great support team, thank you so much, Coin switch team.

- March 2, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Quick, effective and simple. The process is simple and within an hour from the time I deposited the money I already had BTC uploaded to my account. Thank you CoinSwitch. Definitely, recommend to everyone!
- March 2, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Give me the best opportunity for trade bitcoin. thank you Coin switch team.
- March 1, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Thanks for the amazing service! I made BTC to XRP exchange using CoinSwitch. I faced an issue during the transaction and I raised a query. Got an immediate support from CoinSwitch team.
- March 1, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Nice experience of trading, the team coin switch is very supportive and helpful to every step. Thanks
- February 28, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Started trading with them. Good one.
- February 28, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Thanks for all your help much appreciated, really glad that you could help me with my issue. I recommend everyone to use CoinSwitch service for the better coin exchanges.
- February 27, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Perfect, fast, easy to use.
- February 27, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I have been using CoinSwitch since last 4 months for all my cryptocurrency trading requirements.They provide responses immediately within few hours and resolve the issues. Nice support!! Keep up the good work.
- February 27, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Wow! This service is amazing! Best site I've used so far. If you just want to buy some coins without all the hassle, this is it! thanks, coin switch.
- February 26, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Good exchange aggregator for trading. I always see the best exchange rates on CoinSwitch and the support provided by them is also extraordinary.
- February 26, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I have placed a transaction request on Coin switch it was surprising to me as the transaction held real fast. Hoping to use Coin switch further. It was a great experience.
- February 24, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Great service!! I received frequent replies and solutions for my query from CoinSwitch team. Good exchange.
- February 24, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I wish I can give 7 stars for the last service I got from Coin switch customer service. Made a mistake with payment and they rectify the whole issue and didn't make a big deal out of it. Fast response and very professional.
Thank you, Coin switch team:)

- February 23, 2018
starstarstarstarstar As a first-time user, I didn't know how to exchange coins. I used CoinSwitch for choosing the exchange that gives best Exchange rates. It was so easy and the transaction went flawlessly. I received the coins within the designated time. Thanks.
- February 22, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Thank you so much for straightening out the issue. I really appreciate your great support and quick turn around.
Wishing you a success in the future,

- February 22, 2018
starstarstarstarstar It took over 5 hours for my bitcoin to be sent. I got impatient and emailed support, but then I received my coin. So it was still a pretty smooth experience with the very little issue.
- February 21, 2018
starstarstarstarstar This site is the best of all I ever deal with. They care and secure their customer's coin. I'm pleased and pleasant to you guys doing a great job out there when issues arise. Nice working with your great company.
- February 21, 2018
starstarstarstarstar This service is amazing! Best site I've used so far. This site is so user-friendly that it gives the details of the exchanges that provide the best exchange rates. If you just want to exchange some coins without any hassle you can use this site.
- February 21, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Fantastic. So easy. Good job team.

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