UpdateCoinMKT is a US-based currency exchange which supports USD for trading between Bitcoins and other crypto currencies including Litecoin, Peercoin, Namecoin, Feathercoin, Primecoin, Worldcoin, Megacoin, and Quarkcoin.
Write a reviewJohn - March 12, 2014
Andy Melton - March 12, 2014
Ben - March 12, 2014
Q - March 12, 2014
BruceL - March 12, 2014
rick s - March 10, 2014
xwm - March 9, 2014
Venice Vampire - March 6, 2014
They still need to work out a few is slow to convert.
They need a money/BTC conversion tool.....something like coinbase has.
When you send or receive money you can convert it to know how much you are spending.or trading.
I think when they get a few more traders this will be a good site.
Also they need a bank partner.....right now its to expensive to withdraw funds using EGO pay,
or a bank wire transfer.
I would open an account and play around and get to know them.
They seem to have excellent security in place and are on top of things.
I hope they get some good exposure and grow and acquire more traders.
Todd - March 6, 2014
Matt - February 25, 2014
Carl - February 22, 2014
Rick - February 22, 2014
Pedro - February 22, 2014
Mark Grossman - February 22, 2014
cryptodog - February 22, 2014
Bob - February 19, 2014
Love the maker/taker pricing model.