

Accept blockchain and bitcoin payments, Get Paid in Euros, Dollars and More


Write a review
- January 30, 2018
starstarstarstarstar bought btc for 1000€ , sent from my companies bank account, recieved an email its not possible to buy btc from different bank accounts , waiting for 2 week to get repayment. I hope coinify dont get insolvency and to get my money back. So be careful
- January 30, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Slow and untrustworthy given my experience. Go somewhere else for all crypto activity. Same goes for Blockchain info or com
- January 13, 2018
starstarstarstarstar The 4th of december 2017 i bought 70 € of Bitcoin, with Blockchain whitch buys with Coinify. Whitch got taken out of my bank account!!!. Im sill waiting for something to come and i have send 5 tickets to Help coinify with no actual response.
- November 21, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I can't buy more bitcoins Why????? I will have to wait 7 days??? Verifying my transaction with my bank was a legimate one and it takes few minutes for you guys to check it but 7 days???? What's going on???
Order 1004170

- September 30, 2017
starstarstarstarstar What happened to the investors website of Coinify ?
- September 27, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Like others, the coins arrived a couple of days after the bank transfer went through.
- May 22, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I purchased Bitcoins with 1000€ from about 6 days ago with bank transfer. Transaction went through, with all necessary details. 4.5 days later, I get very confident my Bitcoins aren't coming, so I decide email support (which is a partner of and their website links to support). My first support request account gets suspended with no reason or answer given (probably because of strong use of words, however, that is not a reason to just outright suspend a spending customer. I was a bit angry). Then I created a new support account with a different email address, and this time a sane person answers me, saying that "don't worry, I'll escalate this to Coinify staff". I thought, "YES! Finally." So I began waiting, and almost a day later, I get a message from some Coinify representative, asking for pretty much all my personal details for whatever reason, even though I have already ID'd myself with (which is a partner of A few hours later, he replied, telling "this will now be forwarded to the proper authority", and I was just wondering what the heck is happening, what the heck is "competent authority", why do they need all my personal details for what appeared at first to be a simple transaction, they even wanted my hecking bank statement. During this time, I already wrote a negative review here at Trustpilot but removed it since (this is a new one) because someone at Coinify contacted me regarding my purchase and Trustpilot review. Anyway, this person tells that this was "misunderstanding" and are going to process the order today, since I provided them with a trade ID in my Trustpilot review (which I already provided in my bank transactions message field, but apparently, that "did not go through"). At this point, I email the first Coinify support representative that who the heck should I listen to, since now I have 2 different Coinify representatives emailing on my 2 different email accounts, and he just tells me "X is our supervisor and your ticket has just been escalated to her. It is good that she's contacted you. Please stick to her tips." Ok then. Where did the "competent authority" go? Full of heck PR talk this lot is. As of today, (22.05, almost 23.05) I have yet to receive my Bitcoins. I wish I have just purchased Bitcoins from reputable place with a history, what the heck was I thinking?
In short: Purchased 1000€ worth of Bitcoins, transaction went throught but didn't receive Bitcoins, had to go through 4 different "representatives" and "supervisors", one told me to heck off, one wanted to escalate this to the "competent authority" (WHAT DOES THAT EVEN HECKING MEAN?) the other two were pretty vague and just gave hecking bad "explanations", but overall were much saner than these other two. Oh yeah, did I mention the first Coinify "representative" was actually 3 different persons emailing me? "Michal" "Hoa" and "Darius_B". This company happily accepted my 1000€, but apparently, there was no "order ID" in the message field (there was, I triple checked it) so I had to myself bother contacting them for them to do anything as if I just ignored the whole thing they would've gotten away with it. Best part? After all this heck, I've not even received my Bitcoins yet, but apparently "it's being processed" 6 days later! What a joy!
If I wake up tomorrow and Bitcoins are on my account I am maybe willing to revisit this review.

- May 22, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Almost 6 days have passed and I have yet to receive my bitcoins. I have lost some potential investment opportunities during this time. Blockchain support representative suspended my first support account with no reason given (I suspect it was because of my strong word usage, but that is not a reason to outright suspend a customer without answer or reason). When I asked for support with a second account, they told me they will alert Coinify staff or something along those lines, and I will need to wait another 1-2 business day just for an answer! What a chore. STAY CLEAR OF THIS PLACE AND BLOCKCHAIN.INFO.
- May 22, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Almost 6 days have passed and I have yet to receive my bitcoins. I have lost some potential investment opportunities during this time. Blockchain support representative suspended my first support account with no reason given. When I asked for support with a second account, they told me they will alert Coinify staff or something along those lines, and I will need to wait another 1-2 business day just for an answer! What a chore. STAY CLEAR OF THIS PLACE AND BLOCKCHAIN.INFO.

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