

Formerly known as BIT-X. CoinsBank is a comination of blockchain services including an Exchange, Wallet, and payments portal.


Write a review
- August 22, 2021
starstarstarstarstar Coins bank is a complete scam!
They are not answering any messages and don’t even let you withdraw any of your founds.
If somebody sees this message and want to take some legal actions please contact me to join our forces!
You can contact me using LinkedIn platform.

- May 17, 2021
starstarstarstarstar I’m waiting for the approval to withdraw my BTC funds for more than 40 days.
Current status 0/3 approvals.
No respond on other tickets that I’ve opened for more than 3 months..

- May 5, 2021
starstarstarstarstar hi everyone,
2 month ago i have a withdraw request and after 7 days approve my request . but now i have a withdraw request from 16 days ago but they dont answer me never . i try to ticket and email to support team ,but they dont reply me

- April 6, 2021
starstarstarstarstar Join me to find these people that has scammed us from coinsbank we are in the same situation and they must pay for this!
Go on Reddit and search coinsbank you will find my post or send me directly message
Together we stand stronger!

- February 26, 2021
starstarstarstarstar Total Scam.
I've been a coinsbank user since 2016, fully level 4 verified.
In early January, 2021 I tried to withdraw ~2BTC. Nothing, no TXID, no movement on chain. Just silence.
I filed support tickets, no reply.
Waited forever on the chat, they never pick up.
The phone number always has a "busy" tone, 24/7.
No response at all to any of it.
Then.... a week later, they just deleted my account, and now I can't log in.
They just straight up stole all my funds and won't reply to anything.
Total Scam.

- February 25, 2021
starstarstarstarstar My transfer request was eventually fulfilled. The technical issue with the trading platform is ongoing. Not sure how there can be anything left after such a prolonged system failure.
- February 20, 2021
starstarstarstarstar they withdrew all my funds due to inactivity fees, 150 usd each, in different accounts, there was no point in checking my accounts every month, after 2 years, the accounts were empty, I invested small amounts in several accounts, for security.
- February 15, 2021
starstarstarstarstar Customer service responds with long delays.
My withdrawals requested exactly one month ago were completed today.
They seem to have some technical issues. I hope it is resolved as soon as possible. People were a little scared, and Customer service is definitely overworked.

- February 15, 2021
starstarstarstarstar Can anyone recommend a Lawyer to deal with them?
Someone who is running a case against them/a class action or already sent them letters from angry customers?
A lot of money is stuck there.

- February 15, 2021
starstarstarstarstar My withdrawal is pending for many weeks now. The exchange looks to be permanently defunct. They have stopped answering inquiries. Is anyone here interested in trying to get our money back? Somehow we are going to need to sue. Maybe we can try to pool our resources to find out what happened and who stole the money.
- February 12, 2021
starstarstarstarstar Again nobody to speak to nobody answering on Twitter, Facebook any social media !
Tried to make some transactions and nothing is moving even after three weeks ! Won’t even let me move my Bitcoin! Awful customer service!

- February 11, 2021
starstarstarstarstar I returned:
My withdrawal requests were accepted and 2 of them were successfully completed. I'm waiting now for the third ....

- February 5, 2021
starstarstarstarstar And I'm waiting for a response from CoinsBank. I understand that they have some technical problems, that's what they told me 2 weeks ago. Did anyone manage to talk to them these days?
- January 29, 2021
starstarstarstarstar Anyone know what happened to Coinsbank? Seems from past comments on here, they are useless at replying to tickets. But who knows when but when I tried to contact them because they blocked my account after telling me it’s verified successfully, they said it’s been referred to IT and that was the last time u heard from them. Followed up no response, new tickets no more response, tried calling their number doesn’t even work. I tried to find any news about this company but I couldn’T find anything. Am I the only person who still has an account with them and blocked me so I can’t access my BTc?
- July 30, 2020
starstarstarstarstar Fraud ! They certainly won't let me move! They don't answer!
- December 5, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Scam
long story , withdrawal wont get processed and thousands of exucses and proofs they want. i provded everything im level 4 and even provided additional documents
complain with evedince is sent to the supervisionary authority of estonia.
lawyer is also taking action now.

- April 3, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Just logged into my account after a year of inactivity.
They have been helping themselves to around $40 of my crypto every month as an account inactivity fee.
WTF is that!
I hope this helps someone to remove their crypto from them.

- February 5, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Glad i visited this site.
Account set up with Level 4, been asking support to assist with funding the account info, rather than go into war and peace, thought that i would just copy and past, see below.
HEADING- Funding my account with gbp in the most cost effective way
New today, i'll be looking to fund my account using gbp, given debit card transaction fees, i'll go down the route of using a bank transfer.
I have been through your system but i can't find how i set this bank transfer up, could you confirm.
Also can you advise what's the best method to cut down on this transfer in terms of fees, i'll initially send 10,000 gbp.
You, 24.01.2019 07:10:39
We kindly inform that at this moment wire deposit in GBP is not available.
You can deposit in GBP with Credit/Debit card deposit option only. Please add your card and you will be able to deposit through Card deposit method.
All commissions and types of withdrawal/deposit methods you can find here: web-site given
Sincerely Yours,
CoinsBank Support Team
CoinsBank, 24.01.2019 07:20:23
The fee for depositing cash via a debit card is high, as i'm planning to fund my account with up to ***k gbp, so that may incur a debit charge fee of 3% of the full amount, the system says deposits from £20 up to £5000 would incur a fee of 3% + 9.95.
Can i deposit either euro or usd via a wire deposit?
have now seen that i can deposit usd, seen system transfer info. That said when i've tried to input that info into my uk bank account it advises that the IBAN is invalid!
could you check this for me
You, 24.01.2019 08:40:57
We kindly inform that account number for USD deposit is not IBAN.
Please make international payment or contact your bank for more details about USD transfer.
Thank you for understanding.
Sincerely Yours,
CoinsBank Support Team
CoinsBank, 24.01.2019 11:03:38
Then they closed off the ticket.......
New Ticket opened:
HEADING- Getting funds to my account via transfer
I've been trying over the last week to move an initial deposit of ****euros to my account with a few companies, so i tried again with another one, that attempt has also failed. i did ask for a reason and this company did give me a response, for which i attach to this support ticket.
I was planning to move in total up to ******euro to this account so i could be ready to buy btc, but given that it appears that i can't find a company to transfer the money, could you perhaps tell me which companies that you do know who will allow money transfers to you.
I could move this amount to you via a debit card, but the charge that you make for such a debit card transaction is way too expensive.
Can i get a detailed response as if you can't advise me who allows money transfers to you, then i would need to look elsewhere, but given that i stay in the UK, and your business trades/registered in Edinburgh, i'd prefer to deal with CoinsBank.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Reply from (third party transferring agent) has been copied and pasted into this document word/pdf
You, 01.02.2019 02:57:05
Copy of reply re above-
Thank you for uploading the requested invoice.
I regret to inform you that we will unfortunately not be able to complete this payment, due to the
beneficiary falling outside of our risk appetite.
I do sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this may cause you, and I will arrange for the funds to
be returned to you.
Kind regards,
As we can see your deposits has been cancelled. Last deposit is in status awaiting approval. We kindly ask you to wait, wire transfer may take up to one week. Thank you!
Sincerely Yours,
CoinsBank Support Team
CoinsBank, 01.02.2019 03:49:05
I note you have closed my ticket off, why?
You first have to answer my question asked.
You, 02.02.2019 04:48:10
We ask you to wait when payment will be arrived then you will be see it on your account.
Sincerely Yours,
CoinsBank Support Team
Hello CoinsBank Support Team,
The replies i'm receiving to the above are unacceptable, please escalate this to an account manager, as this is now a formal complaint.
I'm trying to do business with you, but you don't appear to be looking for my business. If this is indeed the case, tell me that, and i'll go elsewhere.
I have given the reason in my earlier messages why i need assistance, but you are hell bent in not dealing with them.
Secondly, i have set an additional external funding account up, and the forward funding payment is to be issued at my end using SEPA, my bank requires a IBAN number, note there is no IBAN on the ticket/invoice when this is selected?
Can someone please deal with this correctly.
You, 05.02.2019 14:09:45
Then after reading this review page in general-
never mind i'm just going to close the account even before it's started, what a waste of time this has been....
You, 05.02.2019 14:51:07

- January 1, 2019
starstarstarstarstar is scam, scam,scam.
- December 29, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Iattempted a btc exchange to ETH and it went through on their site, but I never received the money in my ETH account.
They never responded to my email either.
Below is the btc address I sent my money to:

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