

A hosted web-based E-Wallet used for sending, receiving and storing bitcoins. This is not to be confused with the data structure in the blockchain which is also named coinbase.

The service aims to be the easiest way to get started with Bitcoin. Its service is modeled to provide an experience familiar to those who are comfortable using PayPal.


Write a review
- May 3, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Coinbase Support is unresponsive and unhelpful. It seems like Coinbase Support is simply uninterested to assist Coinbase customers. Using Coinbase is nice until you have a problem and need support. Do not expect results from them.
- May 2, 2017
starstarstarstarstar i live in canada how the fuck can i sell , i wish i knew i couldnt before i fucking buy
- April 30, 2017
starstarstarstarstar 1 month trying to identify my identity. I've tried every methods. Email several times the customer support that don't give a sh***. Which is a complete non sense because I've succeed to verify my identity on Anyway Coinbase = piece of crap
- April 28, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Everything about them is bad - stay away
- April 19, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Terrible service. I told them to expect poor reviews and here it is. I waited 15 days to hear about a payment that was being returned to my address due to an intermittent issue on the receiver's side. Due to their hot wallet system, the address that I sent from was assigned to a new customer and therefore the funds were not recoverable. They weren't even able to connect me to the individual who had received the funds to ask them if they would be honest enough to give me the money that was rightfully mine. It was absolutely the weakest, most pathetic, useless customer service I have ever had the disgust of dealing with. It's safe to say that I will NEVER be using this platform again. Don't ever use an exchange or their wallet system. User wallets and ultimately user-level cryptography are the only way to utilize bitcoin in the way it was meant. Get an address that's yours and only yours with keys that only YOU hold. Better yet, get a hardware wallet. Take my advice, and don't use the worthless exchange wallet systems. They're more useless than the banks themselves. Nice work Goldman and company. Here's to continuing the tradition of inefficient financial services! (raises cup sarcastically). Bitcoin addresses were never built to be send only or receive only. By doing this, you essentially downgrade the protocol.
Summed up in three words - DO NOT USE!

- April 9, 2017
starstarstarstarstar 1LGYLRmZCcGsgvbZzm3Z3FDLo2ELBievXG
- April 3, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I just invested $300 dollars in this website. I haven't tried to sell my bitcoins yet, but if I do, will it take a long time to process like how other people say? Please help!
- April 3, 2017
starstarstarstarstar The quick verdict: Avoid them. I would never trust such bad customer service with my MONEY.
My account was closed and locked by Coinbase 30 minutes after I opened it.
I have a couple other accounts with bitcoin exchanges already, but after reading that coinbase allowed credit card purchases, I decided to give them a try since I wanted a quick turnaround on my purchase and did not want to wait a week for a wire transfer to clear.
The registration process was quick and easy, and I went straight to purchasing bitcoin with a credit card. This is where the "Issue" began. There's a little text in the far right corner of that window that says "350$ dollar limit. Well it happens so that I miss typed my amount requested with my card and submitted 3500$. The next screen after submitting that amount was a notice saying my account was being closed for "terms of service infringement", which is vague and disturbing.
What had I done wrong exactly to deserve this punishment? Since I wasn't explained, I decided to send customer service an email, requesting the reason for my being shut out. I also argued to have my account examined and reinstated, feeling this was some kind of mistake. I waited 2-3 days for a response, which consisted of another vague boilerplate reiteration stating I had infringed terms of service and that was that. My name was not even mentioned. Clearly, some robot handled my case.
My first issue is that, as a complete newcomer to the site, I was able to perform (presumably???) some kind of action that "infringed the terms of service". The ONLY thing I can think of is requesting a purchase amount higher than my daily limit. If that is the case, it's totally ludicrous. They should just block you from making this mistake and simply TELL you, rather than allow it and then close your account. Imagine how they built their systems if this is the best UX/UI they can come up with.
The second issue, and more egregious one, is the level of personal service I received. I get faster customer service at Zappos, with a response from a real person addressing my questions, and that's when I buy a pair of shoes. If you can't get this from a service that handles and stores thousands of your dollars, then should you hand them your money?
I have worked in banking services and internet services, and I can say with appoint that Coinbase has terrible customer service. They are LUCKY that US residents have few options for acquiring bitcoins, but that will not last forever.

- March 31, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I forgot to mention, that I have a simple problem that could be easily corrected were I able to speak with any kind of customer service or support person. I've sent multiple emails, created cases that do not ever appear in my "my cases" area on the website and have called every phone number I can find... Absolutely 0 response. Worst website ever.
- March 31, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I give coinbase 0 stars! Ignore the single star I was forced to give by the comment form validation.
I am a professional developer and work with websites all the time. Their flaky website behavior, the fact that they hold your crypto hostage for long periods, and primarily the worst customer service I've ever experienced, all add up to a big FAT goose-egg. If I could give them negative points I would. My fear is that they are in some kind of major trouble and have let everything go to hell while they focus on whatever the eff it is! My advice is to get any funds out of their control as fast as you can, close your account and don't look back!

- March 30, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Anyone here is in high school, in Europe, or not in high school and never graduated in some destitute place. Coinbase for the win all day if in the US, don't listen to these clowns.
- March 30, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Aside from the potential hard fork, Coinbase is the safest place to buy your coins. THEY DON'T DEAL WITH SCAMMERS WHO DON'T HAVE BANK ACCOUNTS AND LIKE TO HUSTLE PEOPLE.

- March 30, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Not able to transact for a week now. Nothing from "customer support", the twitter account @CoinbaseSupport ‏is useless too. Has this company gone bust??
- March 30, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Unreachable, irresponsible, bad tech.
Site always has problems especially during big price movements.
Money stuck with them no reply from anyone.

- March 29, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I wish I could give zero stars. No customer support, laundered money from me by never sending it through, it's just been somewhere in Coinbase limbo for weeks now. I've sent numerous emails to their "customer support" (over 15) without any sort of response. This site is a scam and I hope that nobody else falls for what I have. Fuck Coinbase
- March 29, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Pretty much fuck this website. It is rubbish. If the UI doesn't work, one has to wonder about the rest of it.
- March 24, 2017
starstarstarstarstar 20 days I've been trying to get a response because my money is gone and the only response i got was an email saying "sorry for the slow response time are you still in need of assistance " are you kidding me? No way to contact except twitter and email.. stay away!!
- March 22, 2017
starstarstarstarstar No customer service...i get a bot thats useless
They only allow me to purchase more with no way to get my funds canadian so i guess its not as easy but i cant talk to anybody or even get an email back that has anything other then a few links in it to some useless information about the buy bitcoin pages
I would never use this again

- March 21, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I was asked to provide a picture of my drivers license for verification, now i'm worried. Anyone else have to do this?
- March 21, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I sent several emails and obtained no response...
The problem is not that there is not a good customer service..... the problem is that there is no customer support at all.
Disappointing! Bad service.

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