

A hosted web-based E-Wallet used for sending, receiving and storing bitcoins. This is not to be confused with the data structure in the blockchain which is also named coinbase.

The service aims to be the easiest way to get started with Bitcoin. Its service is modeled to provide an experience familiar to those who are comfortable using PayPal.


Write a review
- January 21, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Coinbase Free Support & helpline + 8557500786 is really good.
- January 21, 2018
starstarstarstarstar customer service is horrible!!
they closed my account without my request, and are not allowing me to withdraw my funds, even after I performed several email verifications!
they are holding MY FUNDS hostage, and this is unacceptable!!
I am on 3 other exchanges, and coinbase is by far the worst.

- January 20, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Holding customers money for so long and not making it available for trading so they can invest it and profit is sick, Coinbase is showing poor ethical and moral standards and I wouldn't be surprised if they get caught in a scandal,
- January 20, 2018
starstarstarstarstar High fees, no respect for customers or the platform. The most harmful entity to bitcoin core at this time. Avoid at all costs.
- January 20, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I'm not an investor/trader, I'm a user/spender. I make a little here and there and withdraw here and there to take care of my needs. That being said, it is a real pain in the ass when i can't get my own coin transfered to my linked paypal account when I needed it to be able to go work and has left me stuck with no other avenues to direct my funds to myself? Fuuuhhhhk that, as soon as I can get my shit I'm out. Too unreliable
- January 20, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Actually is very easy to use.
ID verification is super fast.
Price is very good compared to btcmarkets, no markup compared to the USD market.
However they do charge 3.99% to credit card, still a lot better than the btcmarkets price which is around 7%~8% higher than the USD markets.
If you sign up with my referral
and buy at least 130 AUD coins, you'll receive $10 USD bitcoin for free.

- January 19, 2018
starstarstarstarstar 1 month after I send money ti verify account still no word. My bank notified me that the money is on their account but nothing. I will report them to the authorities. There are far better exchanges who value their customers.
- January 18, 2018
starstarstarstarstar They are holding all of my money and will not release it. Now I’ve lost everything. What is going on? I cannot talk to a real person and they will not return my calls or emails. I’ve been scammed!
- January 17, 2018
starstarstarstarstar People screwed are now contacting the FBI. Band together and contact them. This criminal!!!!
- January 17, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Coinbase has stolen my money and has locked me out of my account.
- January 17, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Its takes literally 10-11 days just to get my coins which makes no since because within 3 days they've already taken it out of my bank account so why its takes so long to process through coinbase? I have no idea. Usually after I receive the coins by then the market has already dropped therefore I usually end up losing money or having to wait until the market goes back up. And to make matter worst they charge a higher fee for slower service. I would not recommend them for buying coins.
- January 17, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Its takes literally 10-11 days just to get my money out which makes no since because within 3 days they've already taken it out of my bank account so why its takes so long to process through coinbase? I have no idea. Usually after I receive the coins by then the market has already dropped therefore I usually end up losing money or having to wait until the market goes back up.
- January 17, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I had a hard time trying to get my money from Coinbase. It appeared the system would freeze. I was able to buy and sell and transfer funds back to my bank account after I tried something simple. If you tap on the icon at the top right next to the Coinbase name the profile /settings Icon and then close it it appears to reset and allow you to make transactions. I had to do it multiple times. Maybe it was a coincidence but it worked. Before I couldn’t do anything. I had my funds sitting in the usd wallet to be safe. Hope this was helpful.
- January 17, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Soooooo slow and VERY expensive! What a joke! If this was any other business, this would've taken out by a hard working 4 year old.
- January 17, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Coinbase is garbage. Transactions are either monumentally slow or never happen at all. This site is operated by a few seventeen year olds who are constantly smoking pot and too stoned to work. Never count on ANYTHING from this exchange site. Totally, absolutely unreliable. You have been warned.
- January 17, 2018
starstarstarstarstar i hr. 30 min
. they finally answered. when i complained the guy hung up on me!!!!!

- January 16, 2018
starstarstarstarstar 1 hr 13 minutes. still waiting. it us the middle of the day!!! . no way to email them . fuckers!
- January 16, 2018
starstarstarstarstar one full fucking hour!!!! waiting on the phone
- January 16, 2018
starstarstarstarstar i missed todays bottom.. because i couldnt fund my account. their app is SHIT! .. its an automatic robot which tells you nothing.. i swear to God, ive been holding to talk with someone for 50 minutes.. they still havent answered
- January 16, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Worst NOT-working verification system I have ever seen. Verification by sending SMS to mobile phone does not working, I did not receive SMS... and i was trying it 5 times. Trying by using webcam has overflipped image. No webcam has possibility to handle macro to take photo ID. Absolutelly no way to take photo ID by front mobile camera and upload it. Entire coinbase verification system is totally useless crap.

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