

A hosted web-based E-Wallet used for sending, receiving and storing bitcoins. This is not to be confused with the data structure in the blockchain which is also named coinbase.

The service aims to be the easiest way to get started with Bitcoin. Its service is modeled to provide an experience familiar to those who are comfortable using PayPal.


Write a review
- March 9, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Follow up.
In octobre I made a wihtdraw to my I.B.A.N. account and it took more than 2 month to come on my account and loose a lot of money as in this period Bitcoin was going down and the support replied 3 weeks after my money came

- March 9, 2018
starstarstarstarstar This is what I wrote again to COINBASE tonight:
I wait my money since FEBRUARY 01.
I wrote you several time and received ONLY one reply February 24, we have escalated your case to a specialist, and since no news no money on my account! Without money this week I will send a fraud complaint to all authorities in Europe and USA, as well as forums with my case explained! I want my money! and dont tell me that you are busy, a SEPA withdraw take maximum 48 hours except if "your company" have NOT MY money.

- March 7, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I've been locked out of my account for almost 3 months now - 3 MONTHS! Absolutely ridiculous. Granted, this whole fiasco is my fault, which I whole heartedly admit to, specifically that I lost access to my authenticator app when I replaced my iPhone battery. Yes, I can't find my secret key and yes it's my dumbass fault for not thinking about my authenticator app. However, resolving an issue that comes with the territory of a company like this should not take 3+ months. I've been very understanding given that again, this whole thing is my fault but come on, humans screw up and coinbase should be able to rectify an issue like this relatively easily - even in the midst of insane customer demand.
I've called customer service at least 4-5 times, and every time they tell me it's been escalated to the top priority and to just wait. Well, I've been waiting. I've never raised my voice, I've never gotten upset on the phone, but I will also never be recommending coinbase to anyone in the future. Not surprisingly the same issue arose with another exchange I held alts with and they resolved the issue in a matter of weeks. It wasn't "fast" but it was very much reasonable and respectable.

- March 6, 2018
starstarstarstarstar When i have any problems i contact them directly via live chat. They offer fast support via Jambba Chat. Username: coinbase
I was hacked last week and they solved my problem in 1 hour. Via support tickets they answer tooo sloow.

- March 6, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Cash out your bitcoins or convert you cash to bitcoins at furcoins, I love these guys. I WOULD NOT HAVE KNOW IF I DID NOT USE THEM
- March 6, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Coinbase took my money, now my account is restricted, can't buy or sell. Support is no help.
I'm seeing online that people seem to get results dealing with these issues when they involve a lawyer.

- March 5, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I was hacked 2 weeks go for 20k and I cannot get anyone to help me. I’ve been shut out of my acct and cannot audit for the chase claim in process. So very surprised at the lack of attention to something so very sever. Like efforts to blame someone other than their people as this is an inside job for sure.
- March 4, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Worst customer service ever. They locked my account and wouldn't reply my request. It has been a month. They stole your money!
- March 3, 2018
starstarstarstarstar It’s been three weeks since Coinbase locked me out of my account with out any warning or explanation. I can’t access my funds and all they tell me when I call is that my case has been “properly escalated”
- February 28, 2018
starstarstarstarstar This place sucks! Stay away!
- February 28, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Coinbase is very unprofessional. They take your money, cancel your orders and then smugly tell you that someone will address it. But it may take two or more weeks. What kind of company steals your money? And they do not have enough staff to manage the debaucles they get their self in. Horrible. Buyer beware.
- February 28, 2018
starstarstarstarstar You can actually buy or sell bitcoins anonymously at furcoins irrespective of where you are and you get your bitcoins delivered to your wallet or your cash to your account without fail.
- February 28, 2018
starstarstarstarstar The thing about coinbase is , the dashboard says one price but when you do the buy or sell instantly you immediately get screwed. Your never buying or selling at the market price. My advice , stay away and save your money.
- February 27, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I made a transfer to Coinbase in October 2017 and it never went to my wallet. I have emailed them thousands of times since then and they either not reply or send a very standard email asking about customer satisfaction.
It is obvious they are stealing money from people as I have read many similar situations.

- February 26, 2018
starstarstarstarstar In the beginning competition was almost inexistente. This is why they succeed with their super high fees and shitty support.
Simply the worst. They will lose the market because clients are not important for them anymore and competition is now much developped.

- February 26, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Hi guys, I have something to share here and i want you to make use of this opportunity. I had a total of $32,000 in student loan debt that I couldn't pay for 3 years until I was introduced to {ZEUSHACKERS01atOUTLOOKdtCOM} ,who then asked for my bitcoin address and transferred free bitcoins with a very good offer. I'm so happy right now and preparing to buy my first car.They also help in credit repairs, clear debts
- February 26, 2018
starstarstarstarstar It may not happen at first, but after you give your bank information, about a month later you will notice your bank account being slowly drained for somewhere in the UK. Beware of these people, the transaction fees will eat you up. Great idea for possible money making, just unscrupulous actors.
- February 24, 2018
starstarstarstarstar First I was a victim of the duplicate charge that happened to so many people in February 2018. Remember....the one that Coinbase said was the fault of the credit card folks, but Coinbase was the only vendor that was affected by it? Yeah, that one. Then I decided to withdraw all my money because I can forgive a mistake, right up till you lie about it. So even though I was able to purchase with my debit card, which is directly tied to my bank account I had to link my bank account in order to be able to withdraw. So I did and waited three days to get the verification amounts deposited that I needed to verify that it actually was my account. Then when I went to verify my account using my android (because I don't carry my laptop everywhere) it stated that I had entered 'incorrect amounts' (I hadn't) and locked me out for 24 hours. I did a little research during that time and discovered that they knew about the issue of verification from smart phones (but chose not to fix it, or notify the user of it prior to attempting to verify on a cellular device). I waited till I was unlocked and was able to verify my account from my laptop and finally finish the transaction. It took a computer microseconds to double charge a verified means of payment, but it took 4 days, two phone calls (first time 30 minutes on hold and gave up, and second time 25 minutes and gave up) and an email that received a cut and paste reply with information that I had already learned from the website after I'd been locked out. Fool me once...fuck you. Never again and I'll tell all my associates of my experience as well.
- February 24, 2018
starstarstarstarstar ACCOUNT HACKED. My account was hacked on January 10, almost 5 weeks ago. Support personnel worthless, tweeting to B Armstrong, CEO useless. Unable to regain access to account. Thousands of $$$ of loses. At a dead end. The customer comes last at Coinbase. They have many problems—I’ll-informed executives, numerous security breeches, ineffective and adequate general, security, and application controls, no accountability, poorly trained support staff, poorly trained security leadership staff, mid-20th century information technology software, And that is just a few of this company’s problems.
- February 22, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Coinbase will COST YOU $$
They constantly keep your money tied up for days and sometimes over a week when making a deposit to the site or withdraw from one of their so called "vaults". I would not recommend using this platform to buy or sale due to their high trading fees and ability to cost you dearly by delaying your ability to buy and sale in a timely fashion.

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