

ShapeShift is a web and API platform formed in August of 2014 to provide instant Bitcoin and altcoin conversion with the maximum level of consumer protection and efficiency.

Users do not have to create accounts, deposit funds, or provide private personal information. This keeps the users safe from identity or financial theft – a critical improvement in exchange technology.

The company has a strict “No Fiat” policy, meaning it does not use banks or political currencies anywhere in its operations.


Write a review
- December 15, 2019
starstarstarstarstar This scamming website took over $1000 of my money. Stay away unless you want to lose your BTC
- May 22, 2019
starstarstarstarstar DO NOT USE SHAPESHIFT! These guys are a bunch of low life scammers. And Erik Vorhees is their head Piece of Shit in charge. I personally sent him emails and he knowingly stole from me and then said he couldn't help me. Fuck that guy! These cocksuckers stole over 30k from me and said I sent them the wrong btc address for a refund, (off by one typo, a 6 instead of a b) are you kidding me? No one, I mean no one tyoes in a btc address, we all copy and paste to eliminate ANY possibility of error. These guys are a bunch of criminals and I will persue legal action.
- December 7, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Sometimes no coins are sent - response from support takes months! Lost a lot of money with this scam.
- November 6, 2018
starstarstarstarstar slow response support....
no live chat.....
maybe its time to thinking another exchange....
try to accept if i lost my coin in my last transc with shaoeshift....

- October 17, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I don't like the membership now
- October 13, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Do not trust this service. Shapeshift used to be completely anonymous, now it requires an account and email. Very suspicious.
- September 6, 2018
starstarstarstarstar ShapeShift Customer Support Number ☎✷☎✷ 1-888-411-8901 ☎✷☎✷
ShapeShift is a web and API platform formed in August of 2014 to provide instant Bitcoin and altcoin conversion with the maximum level of consumer protection and efficiency. Users do not have to create accounts, deposit funds, or provide private personal information. This keeps the users safe from identity or financial theft – a critical improvement in exchange technology. The company has a strict “No Fiat” policy, meaning it does not use banks or political currencies anywhere in its operations.
ShapeShift Customer Support Number ☎✷☎✷ 1-888-411-8901 ☎✷☎✷

- June 21, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Great service with low fees!
- May 15, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Do not be fooled, this is not a safe service. Shapeshift is run by amateurs and should not be trusted with serious transactions.
- May 11, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I lost all my assets in one transaction using shapeshift. Just as I was starting to trust the website, after many transactions, I was hit by a phishing scam. Be careful..
reddit post: shapeshift_is_not_safe

- May 4, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Amazing service! I have run many transactions through them, all of which had small fees and went by super fast! Just today, I messed up a Monero transaction, forgetting the PaymentID, effectively leaving my coins in limbo. I contacted support and within about 10 minutes of emailing, they organized a full refund! They are extremely professional and I hope to work with them again!
- March 22, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Resumiendo, es uno de los mejores servicios, qué hay para hacer intercambio de divisas digitales, sin pasar por un Exchange, y mucha más seguridad, a mí también me ha pasado alguna cosa, llamada al servicio, y respuesta inmediata no podía ser a lo mejor que tu ancho de banda sea tan poquito que le cuesta mucho a tu ordenador no sé lo que te puedo decir es que cuando se satura cualquier blockchain, pues el servicio lo nota igual que cualquier transacción que hagas tú yo o cualquiera. También hay más
- March 22, 2018
starstarstarstarstar A ver la gente que dice ser esto es una m*****lo primero les diría que estudies un poquito lo que es una red blockchain que si has cambiado Ether y té tardado un poco más de lo normal tú no eres capaz de pensar que a lo mejor puede que las redes estén copadas tú has mirado cuántas transacciones hace por segundo Ethereum, pues como vosotros me ha pasado a mí me han devuelto un cobro que se ha hecho mal o sea un servicio de primera pero siempre la gente quiere más y quiere más y no sabe porque pero se queja y todo es una m***** y tal y cual os animaría a todos esos bitcoin es que habéis entrado hace muy poco que comprareis algunos libros y que estudiar ya que esa va a ser la mejor inversión de toda vuestra vida venga un saludo y buen rollo
- March 6, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Waited for a long long time for transaction to complete. The ETH transaction had 1000's of confirmations in and yet ShapeShift still indicated awaiting confirmation. The smells like a scam.
After I generated this exchange from ETH to BTC I send another transaction through MorphToken at it was processed reasonably quickly. I am not suggesting MorphToken is reliable and the go-to exchange, the jury is till deliberating.
I will never use ShapeShift again. Like another reviewer commented, I would only recommend ShapeShift to my enemies.

- February 27, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Your exchange rates are a joke, understand you need to make money but now you are taking the piss and greedy. Crypto is an emerging community which originally you were contributing to, now it seems you are just gouging as much as you can get.
- February 24, 2018
starstarstarstarstar When you are exchanging on shapeshift, open its page on another browser too and take screenshot of prices when transactions occur. You will see that they are CHEATING people by showing WRONG price as final rate. When you calculate it is correct but send transaction always are less than real price and receive transactions are higher than real price shown on your other browser at the exact moment.
They are CHEATING. I have proof!

- February 20, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I was trying to buy some VTC and exchange failed. Now have to wait 30 days to get my money back! I didn't done any research and now im screw! do your research! shapeshift has tons of bad reviews on reddit
- February 19, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Sent 2 ltc to get some siacoin and I had to wait two month before actually receiving them.
Wouldn’t trust shapeshift too much!

- February 19, 2018
starstarstarstarstar horrible customer service! i only recommend shapeshift to my enemies
- February 19, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Bad customer service! 45 days and still waiting for a respond. ticket number #147032.

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