

Exchange Cryptocurrency Anonymously

Tor Cryptocurrency Exchange Design to swap one Cryptocurrency to another Cryptocurrency without logs & identity & No Account. our all exchange request approved manually by expert and dedicated team within 12 hours. we provide you low fee exchange solution, Our fee is fix 0.2% with all include no any hidden fee.

Tor Cryptocurrency Exchange provide you total security, privacy, Auto Logs Remove once exchange made without any extra cost. We are here to build a healthy & long term relationship with you, our motto is first use then believe.


Write a review
- February 4, 2020
starstarstarstarstar Fake!
- February 3, 2020
starstarstarstarstar Before you start trading forex, you need to know if it is forex trading fraud or a legitimate agent. There are a couple of things that you can look for, in order to know if this is legit or not.
If they are promising high-profit guarantee with not spending too much money, then you should know that this is a scam. There aren’t any guarantees on what the market is going to do. Promising high profit is a gamble. You need to know that this is going to be hard for forex trading get your money back after you realize that you were scammed.
Saying that there isn’t any risk with forex trading is also a sign of forex trading scams. There is always a risk when it comes to trading. Forex trading is not any different. Stay away from sites that are promising unrealistic things.
You are angry and sad. You were one of the victims of forex trading fraud. You have lost a lot of money, and the possibility to make some profit. This is something that will make anyone furious. However, the good news is that you can get help.
Help is available for you to recover your funds as you email SERVICES @OXPAHAT .ORG. The only thing that you need to know is where you can get that help. You don’ t wants to land in another scam besides the forex trading scam as well.
This is the good news. When you are making use of chargeback at OXPAHAT. ORG you will be able to recover your funds. Funds that you thought you have lost forever.
Chargeback is the only way that you can be sure to forex trading get your money back into your account. However, there are some things that you should know about chargeback first.
Chargeback is a service that assists you and other victims to recover your funds after you have been scammed. They can assist anyone that have made bank deposits and that have used their credit card and debit card for paying. Cash payments can unfortunately not make use of chargeback. This is because you don’t have any proof of payment.

- February 3, 2020
starstarstarstarstar Please beware there are many fake bitcoin mining/clouding out there, I got scammed twice before I met a genius hacker who helped retrieve my bitcoin. The whole plan was so smooth I could not doubt it. Bitcoin is actually a great investment option but one thing I discovered over time is that it is not possible to mine bitcoin so don’t be deceived. I invested $25000 on a particular website called eurekaminingblock, I monitored the profit yielding but got locked out of the account before I could withdraw. I went online and met this hacker bitcoinretrievalgenius who helped me retrieve my bitcoins back in few hours. You saved my life and I will forever be grateful. I referred my friends whom we got scammed together right away and they got help too. You can contact services@ oxpahat .org
oxpahat .org

- January 17, 2020
starstarstarstarstar I haven't used it but sounds risky.
- December 26, 2019
starstarstarstarstar No such IP or down. Checked with international IP pings. No IP, no service
- December 22, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Website is not working!
- December 16, 2019
starstarstarstarstar 404
- December 11, 2019
starstarstarstarstar the site is down , its not working
- December 10, 2019
starstarstarstarstar torchange refused to connect
- November 27, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Fake SSL certificate
- November 26, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Server Not Found => 404
- October 29, 2019
starstarstarstarstar È bello che lo stia cambiando su, ragazzi davvero stabili hanno fatto così tanto tempo
- September 28, 2019
starstarstarstarstar No such IP or down. Checked with international IP pings. No IP, no service.
- July 5, 2019
starstarstarstarstar now website is not working
- November 15, 2018
starstarstarstarstar big scammer
- November 15, 2018
starstarstarstarstar scam and ripper
- October 12, 2018
starstarstarstarstar These crypto exchanges do not provide technical analysis and market insights that are trustful.
I needed the help of BlueOcean CC to be able to trade some cryptocurrencies in these exchanges and get some crypto financial advisory services.

- October 8, 2018
starstarstarstarstar super fast exchange and good exchange rate compare to others. love it
- September 29, 2018
starstarstarstarstar super exchange within 15 minute they exchange my doge to btc i really appreciate you.friends
- September 18, 2018
starstarstarstarstar good exchange forever super fast exchange services

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