Write a reviewKinza Mughal - June 24, 2023
My username is kinzamughal in Tipestry ,Tipestry is really an amazing site.
Some important and useful issue about this site.
1/You can participate their weekly and daily contest and you will earn a lot of dogecoin cash from here.I already win in their "Contest" and earn 100 doge in a day.😇😇I already win once.
2/I also make three withdrawal from this site and the total amount is 1100 dogecoin Cash in 13 days.If you spent more time you can earn more.
3/They give my payment within 7 Days.Their withdrawal fee is very low,just 10 doge.
4/Reffer commission is 5%
That's why I will be rated 5 star to Tipestry