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Write a reviewDamilo - December 27, 2020
medina - November 24, 2020
obi - November 24, 2020
Adedokun - November 24, 2020
adward - November 17, 2020
Roji - November 17, 2020
bagi - October 28, 2020
anya - October 28, 2020
Ajiwe - June 19, 2020
we have done great job today they paid for $100 itunes 23500 naira
but they are nights offline
Zevs - June 5, 2020
i have traded only 3-4 times in last 1 month,
John - June 1, 2020
Obi - May 19, 2020
but sometimes they answer after 5-6 hours, but we can not wait 5-6 hours
only changed 2 times amazon gift cards
Stanley - May 15, 2020
Amir - April 22, 2020
Obi - April 13, 2020
For my $100 amazon gift card they paid me only 28800 naira. First time traded i never will trade again bad service!!!
Arie - April 11, 2020
They paid me after 2 hours. Waited long time