

An operation by Shane Smith, an independent business operator, located in Nanaimo BC Canada.

Bitcoins and other digital currencies may be purchased and sold using any of a number of different payment methods.


Write a review
- January 24, 2015
starstarstarstarstar I have to announce caution that on December 29, 2014, I sent 300$ via Western Union(WU) to operated under the name Shane Smith. The cash was sent to the name Ja**** An****** who is supposedly the receiver for Shane's WU transactions.
After e-mailing the scan of the WU receipt to [email protected], I was informed everything looks good and that business slows down during new year, so I should hang in there. After sending him e-mails for the last couple weeks, today is now January24, 2015 with no response.
So even if my money is göne, I wanted to warn others about it. My incentive to use his\her service again was the one smooth transaction I did longer than a year ago.
Kind regards,
My e-mail to reach in case he is not a fraudulent:
[email protected]

- November 16, 2014
starstarstarstarstar It's unfortunate that you had a bad experience. I invite you to write to me and explain who you are and what happened that caused you to have this negative opinion. I'm sure any mistake can be fixed, but perhaps you dont have a valid complaint at all?


- August 30, 2014
starstarstarstarstar nanaimogold is a scam.
Shane steal me 100 Eur. After 4 month he did not respond.
first he was telling me to have problems to sendm money with western union.
I payed him bitcoins for having cash with WU.
He never payed me.
He frauded me

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