

A site which facilitates P2P Bitcoin sales by allowing users to list their own buy/sell advertisements. It makes it very easy to run your own bitcoin-cash exchange. It also allows online transactions and offers escrow and other security services, as well as a reputation system for buyers/sellers.

The site boasts exchangers from 142 countries and 1733 cities.


Write a review
- January 30, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Scam scam scam they take money out of your account they make up some phony story why they can’t put it back after I did all the ID checks 4.999 bitcoins gone. I’m going to post every site I can find and tell about these scammers.
- January 30, 2019
starstarstarstarstar I bought bitcoins from a seller 4.999 transfer to my wallet before i got home in less than two hours localbitcoins took them out of my account said i was related to two names involved in fraud,i never heard of.its been weeks they won’t give me my bitcoins back there in there fraud department.they told me to get the authorities.localbitcoins stole my bitcoins don’t do business with them.
- December 14, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Look at the reviews that are 5 star for localbitcoins! They are all localbitcoins ranking themselves!!!!!!
- December 14, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I paid ceomregesa, a seller on localbitcoins $800 USD for bitcoins but he refused to release my bitcoins to me. I was promised an immediate transaction and did business via paypal. I supplied proof of my identity, proof that my bank account was withdrawn of the money, proof from paypal that the payment was sent but still my money was held hostage from Dec 6 to Dec 11 when finally the buyer was put on suspension and forced to either give me my bitcoins or refund me the money. This was the ONLY good thing localbitcoins support did. This buyer was probably in bad standing with paypal or was flat out lying about not having received my money! The localbitcoins support was slow as hell in dealing with this situation and then after all was said and done suspended MY account for review! I was a first time bitcoin buyer and this was my experience. NEVER AGAIN! Run from ceomregesa (who is a fraud and his rating of 100% feedback is a lie! My feedback for him does not show!) localbitcoins is protecting this fraudulent seller and persecuting me! RUN RUN RUN from both this seller and from localbitcoins!
- November 11, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Sent 5000.00 worth of bitcoin and they will not let me access my account, dont use these scammers
- October 8, 2018
- September 26, 2018
starstarstarstarstar They are scammers do not use
- September 24, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Local Bitcoin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 scam and rippers
Local Bitcoin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 scam and rippers
Local Bitcoin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 scam and rippers
Local Bitcoin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 scam and rippers
Local Bitcoin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 scam and rippers
Local Bitcoin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 scam and rippers
Local Bitcoin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 scam and rippers
Local Bitcoin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 scam and rippers
Local Bitcoin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 scam and rippers
Local Bitcoin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 scam and rippers
Local Bitcoin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 scam and rippers
Local Bitcoin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 scam and rippers
Local Bitcoin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 scam and rippers
Local Bitcoin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 scam and rippers

- September 10, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I have been using LocalBitcoins for a year, i used to respect them and trust them.
I had a similar issue with Binance and they solved it and took a fee same week, but LBC refused to solve it and lied that they do not have a private key to use on their side to get the USDT.
Recently my client transferred $5,000 USDT to one of my LocalBitcoins BTC addresses by mistake.
From the start I thought that it’s not a problem.
I am pure technical guy and I know that USDT protocol is based on Bitcoin blockchain and if you have a private key from BTC address you can withdraw USDT from it.
I created a ticket and spend several days on negotiations with a LocalBitcoins support team.
I was disappointed so much with the company, coz I understood they don’t want to get me my money back.
Anyone with experience in blockchain will understand that USDT can be retrieved again from a BTC wallet if they want to,
Instead the company I used to trust started giving me newbie false information.
1 - They said they do not have the private key of their wallet, how come and it is a web based wallet that they manage, they have the key and they can easily use it to get my USDT back and send it back to me.
2 - They said my BTC wallet has no USDT inside it, and this is technically a lie because I have here the OmniExplorer link and it is clearly saying my money is there.
I even sent them a technical guide how to get the USDT from MY WALLET that they control, but they rejected it.
So by logic I came to a conclusion they are trying to make me stop asking for hard earned money of my client.
How it is possible: famous and honorable crypto exchange with
multimillionaire volumes prefers to scam and lose the client which has trusted to them and the price of their honor is only $5,000.
Probably hundreds of users are doing same mistakes every months. And all stollen funds are stored on LocalBitcoins wallets till the final exit scam of the company.
Dear LocalBitcoins team, these funds will not make you happier, your Karma is bad and it’s a shame on you.
I don’t advise to anyone to use LocalBitcoins services if you don’t want to lose all your funds one day when the company will decide to do the final exit scam.

- August 24, 2018
starstarstarstarstar the best rate exchange for cash or bitcoin
- August 24, 2018
starstarstarstarstar My Bitcoins was stolen from my Localbitcoins wallet, they never found them nor did I get a refund from them.
- August 2, 2018
starstarstarstarstar After 2 days of selling bitcoins at coinbase for bank payment and failed to receive money, I decided to sell some few bitcoins at CryptoExMart, to my surprise, I got paid in less than 2 hours.
- July 30, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Localbitcoin is a very good platform but they distroy my life. This website block my account few times already evertime with stupid reasons and also cause me suffer great lost. I’m from a person who never need to worry for money lbc turn me into a person cannot even survive. I never imagine i will have today. No money at all. Cannot pay rent, bills, top up phone. I’m a foreigner with no relatives or friends to help. I will never forgive lbc i will try my best to stand up again. I will also try my very best to distroy you.
- July 17, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Local Bitcoin Customer Service 8884118901
LocalBitcoins is a standout amongst the most private approaches to buy bitcoins. In a few nations, it is the best way to purchase bitcoins. It enables you to purchase bitcoins with several payment systems. LocalBitcoins itself does not force any limits on its clients. Users are allowed to settle on their own costs and limits.
The pace at which your bitcoins are accessible is based on payment method. Buys made with cash deposit, for the most part, deliver bitcoins within 1 hour. In-person cash trades are quick and simple to arrange.
LocalBitcoins was one of the principal peer-to-peer Bitcoin trades, and the biggest one today.
LocalBitcoins offers support via Local Bitcoin Customer Service 8884118901. Support hurries to respond to all issues. LocalBitcoins provides discussions where you can request for help from diverse clients of the stage.

- June 28, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Localbitcoins à éviter un escroc chez eux m a volé pour 1400 euros de bitcoin alors que soir disant ils vérifient l identité des traders.
Service support inexistant et qui ne répondent pas à la question pose.
Pas de numéro de téléphone pour contacter le service support.
Avis très défavorable
Localbitcoins sont des escrocs et protègent les escros à voler les Bitcoins des autres.

- June 18, 2018
starstarstarstarstar You just have to buy bitcoins of worth $1,000 and save it. You can buy or sell anytime in your local currency anytime at cryptoexmart and they charged very low fees.
- May 29, 2018
starstarstarstarstar You can make good gains on your bitcoins by selling on bulkxchain com, they have the best rates for bulk bitcoin sales (5 BTC and above), so you can make quick trades on your bitcoin for good profit. Cheers!!
- May 28, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Customer service is terrible Do not trust localbitcoins with your bitcoin It has been a month I still haven't got my account back support is unresponsive they just send you automated messages and don't even read your responses
- May 7, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Local Bitcoin Customer support 888-600-3545
Did you find the platform where you can buy and sell bitcoins? If no then visit the Local Bitcoin website. It was established in 2012. It supports every payment method that their user desires. It is one of the most private ways to purchase bitcoins. You can use this website very frequently to exchange your local currency for bitcoins whether you belong from any country. The site is “run by itself” and is very easy to use and understand.
However, if you have any query in your mind you can take help from***** Local Bitcoin Customer support ****** and the numbers is ****** 8886003545 ****** and then get an answer to your e-mail address.
To use Local Bitcoin services, or to access this site, you may be asked to provide registration details in order to register a user account. It is a condition of use of this site and services that all the details you provide are correct, current, and complete. If your information are not correct, current, or complete, it has the right to refuse you access to the site.
Local Bitcoin does your ID verification process at any time and you have to submit your additional identification documents to us its services. If you fail to complete ID verification you will be considered a violation of its Agreement. It reserves the right to investigate suspected violations of its terms of service.
If you want to discuss the functionality of the website then take help from ****** Local Bitcoin Customer Service ****** and call this numbers****** 8886003545 ****** to resolve your queries regarding its usability, information, and so on.

- April 20, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Local Bitcoin Customer support @@@@@ 877-778-6288 @@@@@@@
Did you find the platform where you can buy and sell bitcoins? If no then visit the Local Bitcoin website. It was established in 2012. It supports every payment method that their user desires. It is one of the most private ways to purchase bitcoins. You can use this website very frequently to exchange your local currency for bitcoins whether you belong from any country. The site is “run by itself” and is very easy to use and understand.
However, if you have any query in your mind you can take help from***** Local Bitcoin Customer support ****** and the numbers is ****** 877-778-6288 ****** and then get an answer to your e-mail address.
To use Local Bitcoin services, or to access this site, you may be asked to provide registration details in order to register a user account. It is a condition of use of this site and services that all the details you provide are correct, current, and complete. If your information are not correct, current, or complete, it has the right to refuse you access to the site.
Local Bitcoin does your ID verification process at any time and you have to submit your additional identification documents to us its services. If you fail to complete ID verification you will be considered a violation of its Agreement. It reserves the right to investigate suspected violations of its terms of service.
If you want to discuss the functionality of the website then take help from ****** Local Bitcoin Customer Service ****** and call this numbers****** 877-778-6288 ****** to resolve your queries regarding its usability, information, and so on.

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