UpdateAutomatic exchange Bitcoin to Paypal, Payza, Credit Card, Money Transfer
Let me introduce you the simplest, easiest and fastest way to exchange BTC to USD.
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Write a reviewKHALID motherfucker - November 3, 2015
Elaine - November 3, 2015
Cochon Georges - November 3, 2015
Razan Khalid jr - November 3, 2015
This site is a total scam!
Razan Khalid - November 3, 2015
fernand - November 3, 2015
Georges jr. - November 3, 2015
Jr. Member - November 3, 2015
Asad Sultan - November 3, 2015
scam to finance the terrosime
Jean-Lou Georges - November 3, 2015
Majed Al Balawi - November 3, 2015
admin - November 3, 2015
admin - November 3, 2015
bande d'enculer
Daniele Munari - November 3, 2015
jl2panam - November 2, 2015
depuis quand il faut un justificatif de domicile pour faire un transfert d'argent
j'ai perdu 80€
Matilde Cuena - October 24, 2015
Yevgen Sysoyev - October 21, 2015
Mohamed Lakhlifi - October 17, 2015
CP - October 15, 2015
We will help you and answer any of your questions. We are with you 24
hours a day, 7 days a week."
Their 1 confirmation transaction doesn't work that way. Still waiting for my money after 5 blockchain confirmations and it's been close to 2 hours in spite of their claim "You have 15 minutes to finalize transaction, after price has been changed. A single blockchain confirmation is enough for us to confirm your invoices."
They don't give you a way to go back and look at your order using the order number they give you.
Caveat venditor
Ibrahim Cantona - September 28, 2015
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