UpdateThe EXC Cripto was launched in October 2018 and our online platform aims to facilitate the exchange of digital coins, connecting merchants from all over the world who wish to buy and sell encrypted coins. At EXC we have 3 BITCOIN DOGECOIN and SMARTCASH markets. Currently we have listed 7 coins (BITCOIN, LITECOIN, ETHEREUM, DECRED, SMARTCASH, DOGECOIN, ZCORE) and 1 TOKEN (TETHER).
We have an innovative tool for direct transfer between partner exchanges, Bleutrade and BitRecife, allowing traders to make direct transfers instantly, at no cost, offering an experience that maximizes profits through arbitrage.
To meet the listing requirements of BitTrust, some supplementary data follows:
EXC CRIPTO - Examples of how to use API:
Example getassets:
Example getmarketsummaries:
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EXC Cripto
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