

A hosted web-based E-Wallet used for sending, receiving and storing bitcoins. This is not to be confused with the data structure in the blockchain which is also named coinbase.

The service aims to be the easiest way to get started with Bitcoin. Its service is modeled to provide an experience familiar to those who are comfortable using PayPal.


Write a review
- July 2, 2019
starstarstarstarstar They first said in writing that it would be 3-5 business days before I could have the amount available. That was okay with me. Then it cleared my bank next day. Now they are saying my account, after 6 days, that it will be another 6 days to wait. I have a feeling they will then change it to more time that they need to hold my money, for my security!!! I paid them a sizeable amount to buy it. Also, it was supposed to be at $11,370/.bitcoin and they sold it to me at $11,429/ bitcoin. This is fraud no two ways about it. It's time to file a lawsuit against coinbase if you are ever going to get anywhere with them. Zero stars if they allowed it!
- July 2, 2019
starstarstarstarstar worst effen service I have ever encountered!! they are dealing with alot of investors money and their costumer support is worst period!!! I have had my account locked for month I couldnt even do transactions when it was beneficial for me I STRONGLY DONT RECOMMEND THIS COMPANY
- June 26, 2019
starstarstarstarstar CALL EVERY 15 MINUTES 24/7 IT WORKS!
- June 26, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Total criminal enterprise invest at your own peril.
- June 23, 2019
starstarstarstarstar I have coinbase account for 2 years, put all my hard working money in coinbase, and all my saving into coinbase. today they close my account with no reason and hold my funds, they said before my account close I still can transfer all the fund out of coinbase. but I can't even login in my pro coinbase account I will keep email and called them everyday from now . until they will release all my hard work money.
if they treat people like this . I think the business will shut down soon

- June 21, 2019
starstarstarstarstar May 16 2019 I accidentally Authorized Coinbase to withdraw $200 from my bank account but I thought I didn’t so I opened a support ticket and I gave them a call during discussion over the phone we are able to figure out that I did authorize it. On May 20 2019 my account got blocked. I have tried calling multiple times and emailing multiple times explaining that everything was authorized and my account was not compromised. I was told it would take 10 business days to get my account resolved. But it’s been more then 30days and nothing has change beside being told That my account is being reviewed by a specialist. My question is what legal action can I take to get access to my funds?
- June 20, 2019
starstarstarstarstar I ask for my account transfer. I have no access to second email.
For 6 weeks now .. they No help.. keep say we email you soon.
Why treat customer so unimportant, why so so very much disrespectful!?

- June 20, 2019
starstarstarstarstar They are delaying any fiat withdrawals!?
Why ?!
Something is seriously WRONG !!

- June 14, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Shocking ! Transferred Money out, paid a fee, then charged 2 more fees because apparently selected a Euro account, scam artists.
- June 14, 2019
starstarstarstarstar The WORST! I believe Coinbase is illegally withholding my currency and I don't know what action to take. I have invested over $32,000 in Bitcoin, LTC and ETH on Coinbase Pro. On May 9, 2019 Coinbase locked my account and blocked me from entering my Coinbase Pro account. They sent me an email saying my “account has engaged in violation of our Terms of Service” but they won’t tell me specifics. I don’t think that I have done anything wrong. They also sent me an email saying;” we're not able to increase your Coinbase limits” when I never requested an increase. They also asked me to withdraw my currency and close my account. On May 9 I filed an online complaint at Coinbase. I asked them to transfer my currency from Coinbase Pro to Coinbase so that I can withdraw my currency and close my account. Then finally after many emails and new cases filed, they transferred my LTC Litecoin and ETH Ethereum from Coinbase Pro to Coinbase but not my Bitcoins, where the great majority of my investment lies. I called them on 5/17/19 and after 55 minutes on hold they told me that my case has been escalated and to wait for the email response, which they don’t know how long it will take. I called on 5/20/19 and the same thing happened with the same response. I didn’t get a response until May 27th when they emailed; “…We have closed this case and this is an automated notification.”. So, they still have my Bitcoin and I don’t have access to it. I think this may be illegal. I just want them to transfer my Bitcoins from Coinbase Pro to Coinbase so I can withdraw and close my account.
Also, I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau

- June 1, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Their support staff is useless. I have been trying to update my debit card information for the last two weeks but their verification process appears to be broken. I called support and I was left on hold for 1 hour. It has been two weeks and the problem is still unresolved. I am just going to open a RobinHood account. I shouldn't have to fight this hard to give someone business
- May 31, 2019
starstarstarstarstar You need to dial Coinbase customer care number 877-209-3306.The experts are functional throughout the day without any difficulty and always ready to assist the users at any point in time.
- May 20, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Beware of deposit in Coinbase. I have deposited using my UK bank account a couple of days before till now it hasn't been updated.
This is not the first time i have transferred the money so my instructions etc. are fine. Checked with the bank too and seems there is no issue at bank side.
Beware of depositing your hard earned money into Counbase you might be cheated.
It seems they are using user money for their personal investment, I yave seem many ppl money being hold without releasing for a few days.
Its a big scandal.
Need to resort to legal complain.

- May 19, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Hard to believe some of these reviews. I've had coinbase for a few years now and have never had a problem with them. I think they are more trustworthy than any other exchange. Other exchanges all get hacked except coinbase. Everytime I bought or withdrew crypto everything went fine. I havent had the need for customer support yet everything is really easy to use. If your new to crypto I highly suggest using coinbase.
- May 19, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Right now I have a problem with Coinbase, I called them to tell them someone had use a Shift card that I didn't order, and taken out $35 dollars of Bitcoin and spend it at a AM/PM store, this is what I reported. My account got disabled while they made an investigation, instead they assume I pulled out my earning from Bitcoin and they continue to assume I send it to my bank, when in all actuality I mainly transferred it back into Bitcoin to continue to earn more. Now I just got an e-mail saying they want me to pay them back all the money that I never transferred into my bank account. I am very upset with them right now.
- May 8, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Poor support - some of the worst I have seen. Tel agent took all my info and said someone would be getting back to me. 3 days later and noone has emailed me.
I joined gemini. Atleast their email suppot get sback to you quickly. I dont get how CB is still in business with the poor reviews

- April 30, 2019
starstarstarstarstar This is the most awful company to go through to purchase bit coin Not only do you have to get them so much personal information Even after they have verified everything your checking account your debit card they put a limit of $5 you can only use for 30 to 60 days It defeats the purpose of even going through their company it's a headache and a waste of time
- April 17, 2019
starstarstarstarstar I have filed a complaint with every government agency i can think of. I will not rest until Brian Armstrong is in jail
- April 2, 2019
starstarstarstarstar Deposited funds to buy BTC, was able to “buy” them but don’t “own” them for 11 days. Transferred other coins which should have been immediately available, but these were held as well, even though they were unrelated to the initial deposit and purchase. Essentially they hold your money for unreasonably long times without giving you access to it and the entire “support” system seems built to keep you from getting any answers. I will never use them again. I have filed an SEC complaint, which is easier than you might think.
- March 24, 2019
starstarstarstarstar I was using Coinbase to buy bitcoin to day trade on MT4 but I’m very disappointed. I was transferring $400 to my bank and Instead it took out $400 from my account. I then had to wait a few days for that money to arrive in the Coinbase account to be able to reverse the transaction. When I trade to transfer it back into my bank Coinbase has been holding that money for over half a month saying I don’t have that money in my account when it’s been withdrawn from my account. I tried calling customer service to get this issue resolved and the lady was rude and couldn’t answer my questions. Now I have $800 that’s just gone missing that Coinbase won’t let me withdraw or trade on other platforms but it’s one. It takes only a few days for wire transfers and for it to be verified on block chain so why is Coinbase just holding my money? I want answers

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