

A hosted web-based E-Wallet used for sending, receiving and storing bitcoins. This is not to be confused with the data structure in the blockchain which is also named coinbase.

The service aims to be the easiest way to get started with Bitcoin. Its service is modeled to provide an experience familiar to those who are comfortable using PayPal.


Write a review
- December 11, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Stupid dysfunctional App
- December 10, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I have always use Coinbase, and it has always done what it was supposed to, but this past Nov, I made a purchase and didn't receive my coins, e-mailed customer support and no respond, it's Dec, and I resent and e-mail and no respond. Bad customer support.
- December 9, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Had allot of trouble and delays transfering Bitcoin into coinbase, then while transfering out they had non stop technical difficulties with authenticating. Lost a lot of money in because my bitcoin lost allot of value while transfering for 2 days also they still charged me the rediculously high fee to transfer out of my wallet. Tried to speak customer service but they just brush you off and say its just how it is when there is a large amount of traffic. I wouldnt use them again.
- December 9, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I opened an account 2 days ago. Bought 2 Litecoins as a test at $99.00.Went up to $104 and wanted to buy more. Site asking to verify I'd. Sent Drivers license 12x. Constant error message "Timed Out". Researched reviews and this is common theme with all BTC companies. Their servers can't handle the traffic. I am out until things change. LTC hit $165just now and I can't cash out!! This sucks!!!
- December 9, 2017
starstarstarstarstar very easy and simple to buy and store currency with coinbased, virtually imposible to get back ... they simply close your account and send a spam email saying they can not tell the reason why .. PERIOD!, and after 10 months later my 12.7 bit coins deposited are simple their propterty ( and worth a fortune today! enough for me to buy a HOUSE in cash with) ... even 3 differet lawyers told me there is nothing i can do at all, and it cost me 4850 to hear their opinion , and took several weeks ... DO NOT TRUST COINBASED ... your agreement with them is simple, they can do anything they want and never have to tell you or a court why ... and if you dont agree to that and dont have millions to chase them down, dont trust them!.. i want to kill someone over this, but who ? what can i do! ? nothing.. just suck it!
- December 9, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Unfortunately, these guys can't get their shit together. Have been trying for 5 days to get verified. They cant verify, they cant support and their site is down a lot right now.
- December 8, 2017
starstarstarstarstar i have sent 250,000.00 on monday on dec 4 to buy bitcoin when it was trading at 11,0000. and they still have not applied it to my account case # 2694820, it could have made 120,000 in profits by now, i have called numerous times only to be repeatedly hung up on, also when they do apply my money to my account it will be little to late because now bitcoin is overbought and coming down and even if i wanted to use my money when they apply it to my account i will be limited to 50,0000 a week because they will not update my identity, because they will not update my identity my own cash i sent in is limited to a fraction of my buying power because they will not update my identity, i have sent over 20 times my driver lic as proof of who i am through their web site and mobile app and since Monday still no success i am very unhappy and disgusted with coin base, as i look over the web i see this reoccurring theme that coin base is a stinking turd that DOES NOT have it together
- December 8, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I made the mistake of setting up vault and ttransferring LiteCoin into it. I wanted to transfer them back to my wallet Nov 29. The free has been awaiting approval since then. Their website says xfer are automatic, but it's been in some limbo for 9 days.
- December 8, 2017
starstarstarstarstar The smelly Indians that run this are there only to enrich themselves and steal your money. Stay away from those ragheads. You can be sure they are drinking a chutney slurpee on your dime.
- December 6, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Trying to sell off some of my bitcoin and when I try to access destination account the page is blank, when I try to add a bank account it gives error message “that account is already active”. I can’t reach a human and when I send email my server states not valid account. When I attempt to phone, not available, and no voice mail available, online reboot can’t understand my question. I am extremely frustrated and need a solution
- December 6, 2017
starstarstarstarstar they block your money.
be careful.

- December 6, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I could have given Minus, There is no option, I am trying to reset my password it is almost 7 days, I haven't got my reset link, written many emails to customer support Really very very bad customer service
- December 6, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Worse of the Worse! Initially they were AOK but obviously Greed took over and instead of building their infrastructure up to handle the column and hire customer service reps. They decided to just stick it in their pockets! It's as bad as a two day old newspaper. Pending transactions stuck while everyone else is trading and making money! Run from this exchange if your smart!
- December 5, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Don't use coinbase. I put some bitcoin in my account and it is still pending after 5 days!!!! You can't speak to anyone to get it rectified . For such a big company they have Zero , yes Zero customer service . Stay away from them .
rick just

- December 5, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Worst site ever. I cant believe I invested my hard earn money on this crap. It all started with a curisity and finally it became a nightmere. I invested 5500 and the tried increase my limit. But this stupid site has faulty softwares that not able to validate my document first. And then when it validated in the 2nd attempt and sent a mail saying your limit increased, i realized they actually blocked my buying power. So you have increasef buying limit but have no buying power because of first software fault of ID verification. Ok sounds very straightforward fix right ! But unfortunately nothing is easy with this blood suckers. You first have to wait for days or even weeks to get hold of customer support person and then finally when u get to speak to some human being they will say - we dont have the access we have to escalate the issue. Bam !! Another waiting period. By that time all my existing transaction for which they already deducted money from my account got declined. So after 15 days of wait what uou finally get - 0 money and -5500 from your account and waiting god knows where to get back to your account. All your hope of cash in some extra money is crushed by this stupid little piece of shit. They are unprofessional. They are not trust worthy. This will not sustain. Today or tomorrow it will fail. But unfortunately the these stupid piece of garbages are now billionarie and we the normal law abiding citizens are making them richer. Hope this review helps you to take the right decision. With this if I can save atleast 1 persons time and stop him/her from investing in this company then I will feel atleast I did my duty.
- December 5, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Coinbase is not a credible company. They don't let you buy when prices are low ('we are doing maintenance') and don't let you sell when they are high. Then they don't give you a straight answer when you ask if your purchase went through (no email verification) but then all of the sudden they put it through when prices conveneniently get lower. In another instance they took my money already out of my bank account, yet cancelled the transaction for no reason at all, when prices went up. When I inquired about it, to make matters worse, they then banned me from buying again. I want to make it clear: There is nothing wrong with my transactions or my verification of Identity, it is all Coinbase making up stuff. Go to Coinmama, Kraken or Bitstamp, Coinbase are fraudulent and I hope they will be caught. Oh I forgot: They tell you you have a $ 10,000 limit that then gets reduced to $ 10 for no reason at all. Do not go with Coinbase.
- December 5, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Worst site ever. I cant believe I invested my hard earn money on this crap. It all started with a curisity and finally it became a nightmere. I invested 5500 and the tried increase my limit. But this stupid site has faulty softwares that not able to validate my document first. And then when it validated in the 2nd attempt and sent a mail saying your limit increased, i realized they actually blocked my buying power. So you have increasef buying limit but have no buying power because of first software fault of ID verification. Ok sounds very straightforward fix right ! But unfortunately nothing is easy with this blood suckers. You first have to wait for days or even weeks to get hold of customer support person and then finally when u get to speak to some human being they will say - we dont have the access we have to escalate the issue. Bam !! Another waiting period. By that time all my existing transaction for which they already deducted money from my account got declined. So after 15 days of wait what uou finally get - 0 money and -5500 from your account and waiting god knows where to get back to your account. All your hope of cash in some extra money is crushed by this stupid little piece of shit. They are unprofessional. They are not trust worthy. This will not sustain. Today or tomorrow it will fail. But unfortunately the these stupid piece of garbages are now billionarie and we the normal law abiding citizens are making them richer. Hope this review helps you to take the right decision. With this if I can save atleast 1 persons time and stop him/her from investing in this company then I will feel atleast I did my duty.
- December 4, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I find that the limit set by coin base is a joke. What buy 2 lite coins a week? Only get $300 maximum in the account
- December 4, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I find that the limit set by coin base is a joke. What buy 2 lite coins a week? Only get $300 maximum in the account
- December 4, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Have i how fully realised that mining bit coins is one of the best and secure ways to get bitcoin and with the introduction of mining hackers it has now become even easier , because I can get up to 6 btc A month . if your interested in mining your own coins mail them via [email protected]

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