

A hosted web-based E-Wallet used for sending, receiving and storing bitcoins. This is not to be confused with the data structure in the blockchain which is also named coinbase.

The service aims to be the easiest way to get started with Bitcoin. Its service is modeled to provide an experience familiar to those who are comfortable using PayPal.


Write a review
- February 22, 2018
starstarstarstarstar ACCOUNT HACKED. My account was hacked on January 10, almost 5 weeks ago. Support personnel worthless, tweeting to B Armstrong, CEO useless. Unable to regain access to account. Thousands of $$$ of loses. At a dead end. The customer comes last at Coinbase. They have many problems—I’ll-informed executives, numerous security breeches, ineffective and adequate general, security, and application controls, no accountability, poorly trained support staff, poorly trained security leadership staff, mid-20th century information technology software, And that is just a few of this company’s problems.
- February 21, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I’ve been locked out of my account since December 13th. Every time I call it e mail them about my problem they tell me some bs story and I still can’t access my account. This company is horrible and their customer service sucks. I hate coinbase!
- February 20, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Coinbase Free Support +1(855)750-0786 is execellent.Recommended for all customers to resolve your issues.Thank You.
- February 20, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Terrible site. Cant buy when prices are going down, cant sell when prices are high. Cant withdraw from account to my bank (even though i have my card on file to purchase with). Cant withdraw using paypal....take and take and take...i wont even start with the fee's...STAY AWAY.
- February 20, 2018
- February 20, 2018
starstarstarstarstar CRAP! THEY STOLE MY MONEY
- February 20, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Locked out of account for 3 months. The support people were polite but unable to help. The steps to gain access to my account are hopeless.
- February 20, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I will never use coin base , my transaction delayed for 3 days for absolutely no reason Fuck coin base , bunch of fucking clowns
- February 19, 2018
starstarstarstarstar We are using coinbase without problem with my French wife's account. But my problem is I cannot register on my name, because I have a Turkish id, but I live and work and pay tax in France. So I should be eligible to register. Any CB angel to help me about that problem?
- February 18, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Scam!!! Withdrew my bitcoin and litecoin and they never deposited into my bank account. I already told the FTC, BBB, and Google play to take down their app.
- February 17, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Coinbase will ensure that each affected customer will be refunded in full for any erroneous charge. Our processor confirmed that any erroneous charges will be refunded over the next few days; however, if you believe you were affected by this issue or believe you experienced additional,unreimbursed fees or charges,please text Coinbase’s support team on we can address your issue.
- February 16, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Waited on hold for 2 hours to get hung up on. You can't email, can't leave a message. They took money from my account. If i could leave less than one star i would. Only bad things to say about coinbase
- February 16, 2018
starstarstarstarstar unauthorized funds were taken from my bank account. STAY AWAY!!
- February 15, 2018
starstarstarstarstar I received an email from this company thanking me for joining there site. In the body of the email it said, if you did not join this site click here, so I click on it. It went nowhere so I backed out of it and the next day I had $50 taken out of my Chase account from this company. Chase is investigating and is returning my $50 so be aware everyone!
- February 15, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Very misleading and untrustworthy. Scam stay away
- February 15, 2018
starstarstarstarstar coinbase doesnt have support, oh they have the illusion of support but no i have never received any reply or call for this scam company, they have stolen money from my bank... no reply. their sketchy website is broken more than it works, and it oten takes hours for them to process purchases.
- February 13, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Awful support, nobody replying to my ticket.
- February 13, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Very frustrating verification process and it should have been very easy. I entered amounts that appeared on my statement yet it kept giving me an error. Went through this process 3 times, got locked out of account 24 hours twice. They kept taking my money quickly but am still waiting for my account credits. I talked to a rep and they did not help. I asked where I can provide input on feature requests (for others to avoid my frustration) and was continuously directed to an automated support robot and received no actual support email address in the process so I was not able to provide feedback. Very poor experience. They need learn from Paypal's verification process. From my experience it is far superior to the one that Coinbase uses. At least provide alerts saying e.g. you have 2 remaing attempts or you will need to try again in 24 hours. Simple solution to avoid much frustration. Also, there is no need to withdrawl almost $2 for every verification. Other platforms don't do this. Why is that necessary if you are simply trying to verify an account?
- February 8, 2018
starstarstarstarstar @I'm very irritated - January 12, 2018 I am sorry that happened to you. You were scammed by a person pretending to be CB. We will NEVER ask for your wire information unless we are tracing an already completed but stuck wire. Most definitely report it to your bank. Also, for reasons demonstrated in this conversation that is full of rage that I am willing to bet is largely taken out of context or misrepresented entirely, CB employees DO NOT divulge last names or our actual location.
- February 8, 2018
starstarstarstarstar Coinbase Free Support & helpline + 8557500786 is really good. POSTED AS CB SUPPORT NUMBER...THAT IS NOT THE CB SUPPORT NUMBER. That is why the other numbers have been deleted. People are calling it thinking it is CB and then they get robbed. That is NOT I REPEAT NOT CB Support go to support period coinbase and it is a period com site for correct contact info.

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