UpdateCex Miner nu a fost niciodata atat de profitabil! face posibil orice,BTC,LTC,NMC minerit fara a fi nevoie sa cumpere hardware-ul si sa platesti curentul.
Write a reviewSimox - July 12, 2018
mihai - April 25, 2016
asu - April 25, 2016
Ion - April 25, 2016
Charles Hall - September 2, 2015
I would be happy to tell you how long it takes to get your money, but I'm still in the process of being denied because I sent documents too quickly, too clearly, and with my personal banking transactions and balance blacked out from my bank statement. I guess only honest companies know they have no right to that information. Be warned. This company is going out of it's way to hassle and avoid paying. If they were truly honest, they would have a number to call or online support to address issues. As with most who aren't honest, all they offer is email address and an automatic reply 'it will take 48 hours to address your concerns'. Of course you know that's a lie too.
doNotAsk - January 4, 2015
Ion - May 28, 2014
Marius - March 8, 2014
Octacian - March 7, 2014
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