Description is the world's fastest and safest Bitcoin trading platform that allows buyers and sellers to indirectly transact via cash deposit, Western Union or MoneyGram by using our trusted escrow system. To purchase Bitcoins on BitQuick, a buyer deposits cash into the seller's account (or at a local Western Union or MoneyGram kiosk), and the Bitcoins are sent shortly after uploading an image of the deposit receipt.
You can get started via and go from cash in your pocket to bitcoin in your wallet in 3 hours or less!
Write a reviewCompHosp - December 1, 2016
Jay S - November 29, 2016
Johnny S - November 28, 2016
John S - November 28, 2016
Crowder WF acct # is INVALID.
Lush - November 26, 2016
lush - November 26, 2016
eunice - November 26, 2016
stanley - November 23, 2016
andy - November 22, 2016
seller - November 16, 2016
will use again if i need to sell btc
Justdamn - November 12, 2016
SkullCandy - November 3, 2016 - October 29, 2016
Get bitcoin voucher with debit card
john l - October 27, 2016
credit union after my deposit and the 3 hour time frame to upload receipt expired.
I used them so many times without an hitch that i forgot i need to get receipt to upload
after deposit cause. I finally remembered when i log into my wallet an bit over 3 hours later
and was surprised i don't see my coins sent lol. But i emailed them and they took care of it shortly afterwards. Pretty much the only time i had to emailed them about an problem with purchasing
and it was my fault.