Update** If you are about to leave a negative review please do these things first
1) Check your spam folder as the email from the team may be there!
2) Email Alex T, CEO ([email protected]) about your complaint as we strive to provide the best outcome for you, our client, and we are sure we can make a resolution which suits you.
Bitcoin PR Buzz’s mission is simple: to aid in the diffusion and adoption of Bitcoin as the emergent decentralized currency of the 21st Century through offering massive Press Release services for Blockchain ventures, geared at generating massive exposure for your unique project, business, or concept. Help us tell the world about you!
Write a reviewDeFi Astro - November 23, 2021
Moon Team - May 21, 2021
Tonio Gomez - April 21, 2021
Andrew Bunsworth - June 11, 2020
Ruud Ellison - March 13, 2020
Danko - December 19, 2019
Rus - October 14, 2019
It's the second time our game works with them.
It was a perfect service for the reasonable price. We're satisfied fully.
Thank you for cooperation, smoothly as usual! :)
Udal Kumar - September 17, 2019
Rus - May 5, 2019
We made payment and after 1 week, the all work was done. We have received report with all the links. Team has created a chat, where we were able to ask all the questions.
Quick response, detailed report, professional manner.
As result, it helped us to increase the ranking of our project in Google search. That was our aim and we are glad with results.
Joseph Imbruglia - April 17, 2019
Their services are also well beyond what I was expecting after having used other press release firms as they are able to spread my company's message far and wide and create a seriously positive impact on our SEO. BitcoinPRBuzz will always have my business because they are personable and genuine people, they keep their word and they provide an excellent service.
Angela - April 16, 2019
Konstantin - April 1, 2019
Thanks to all the team. Will be back again.
John - January 14, 2019
Jack - December 10, 2018
DONT USE - November 28, 2018
anon - November 28, 2018
Ali BTC Consultant - November 8, 2018
James - April 18, 2018
Ruta - January 29, 2018
Jason - September 2, 2017
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