

Electronics shop (iPhone, Samsung, PS4, Gaming consoles, alienware.....etc. ) amazing price , worldwide shipping (DHL or FEDEX) + proof section(in website) (payment only with escrow).


Write a review
- July 3, 2016
starstarstarstarstar 5/5 Thank you, it was a great experience, the delivery was very fast and the phone work perfectly ^_^
- July 1, 2016
starstarstarstarstar worst person ever ..............
- June 25, 2016
starstarstarstarstar You're scamming people. Even if you put someone's details.. big deal man...
Don't be such a pansy.

- June 25, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Any other person who wants their documents to be shared by this asshole please contact him and still he hasn't replied yet to me you cheap fellow
- June 22, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Pr12542 : Manish Prashanth , India ,Bangalore , 187 Royal Gardeenia Bommassandra Bangalore Karnataka
- June 22, 2016
starstarstarstarstar One day passed and still know reply from this scammer
- June 21, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Why would you write a fake review simply just to own up to the previous one as Hondini if you are a legit person and seller email me [email protected] if you don't Reply I'll agree your a scam and write a true review of what happened z33
- June 21, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Hey z33 stop with the bullshit your the one who should be afraid about the authorities and z33 I agree I'm a kid who wants a phone at a low price but I have fucking real proof that I paid it to the escrow and the bitcoins have been mined so don't give me bullshit about me wanting a free product you want proof z33 fucking I'll give you proof email me at [email protected] and anyone who thinks I wanted a free product just contact me I will tell you what happened and I'll show you proof that I paid I'll show the billing details from my Bitcoin wallet z33 goddamnit you know I paid so if you think I haven't I sent you the proofs to your email if you have the balls fucking email me and we'll sort this out
- June 20, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Don't threaten Z33. Own up to your scam... How long will you enjoy on other people's money. All you had to do was be honest. No one wants a free product.. because you have no products to sell...
Stop scamming man!!!!

- June 20, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Hello everyone, i am z33 from z33shop, it's been a long time since i didn't visit this website, and i was surprised to see fake bad reviews, let's make everything clear here, these two persons who are making these review are just mad kids, they emailed me 2 weeks ago to get free product ... really ? you think it's a charity or what ? i don't give free product you dumb kids, everything is by money, and if you keep putting fake reviews your dox will be shared here and everywhere else in the deepweb, also if you keep harassing me by mails i will send your dox to your local authority, this will be my last clear message for both of you, if you continue like that enjoy your dox.
- June 20, 2016
starstarstarstarstar OH My mistake ! He was having email problems he didn't scame me I am sorry for the last review I was scared ' of loosing my bitcoin now I got my tracking number when I get my iPhone I comeback to write a full review of the device
- June 20, 2016
starstarstarstarstar I will I am and Hondini contact me so we can do something so that others don't lose they're money to assholes like him just contact me on my email and let's put a stop to this guy lets burn him to the ground
- June 20, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Yes he is fake I realised he still hasn't sent me an email Houdini could you please contact me on my email I would like to know way happened
Horrible fellow not at all trustworthy

- June 19, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Pr12542 -- got scammed as well. This guy is not trustworthy.

- June 19, 2016
starstarstarstarstar This bullshiter is changing the reviews... I haven't received any email and haven't received any iphone or tracking number... Do not believe any reviews here. And Z33.. how many every times you try to change my review, I will keep writing this.
I don't want other people to lose money like I did.
[email protected]... Sorry, he wasn't having an email problems.. This @sshole is just using my name to type out reviews.
If he writes another review, I shall write another one that tells the truth.
Bloody Scamster!!!

- June 19, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Hondini even I paid the escrow like a week back and z33 hasn't replied yet and if it is as you say that he had email problems he still hasn't replied to me I guess he blocked me or something so could you please help me out and ask him to reply to this email you can contact me at [email protected] please help me out man
- June 18, 2016
starstarstarstarstar OH My mistake ! He was having email problems he didn't scame me I am sorry for the last review I was scared ' of loosing my bitcoin now I got my tracking number when I get my iPhone I comeback to write a full review of the device
- June 18, 2016
starstarstarstarstar OH My mistake ! He was having email problems he didn't scame me I am sorry for the last review I was scared ' of loosing my bitcoin now I got my tracking number when I get my iPhone I comeback to write a full review of the device
- June 18, 2016
starstarstarstarstar This guy is a scamster. Operates a bogus escrow called ssescrow. They robbed me of my btc. If you value your money don't buy any stuff from his website.
Biggest scam ever!!! First responds immediately to you and then once you fund the escrow they stop responding.
Cheat of the first order!!!!

- June 5, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Bought a new iphone. 6s worked perfectly thank you

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