

Electronics shop (iPhone, Samsung, PS4, Gaming consoles, alienware.....etc. ) amazing price , worldwide shipping (DHL or FEDEX) + proof section(in website) (payment only with escrow).


Write a review
- March 16, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Probably one of the greatest deal I've done in the deep web, keep up the good work man, don't let others turn you down (y).
- March 1, 2017
starstarstarstarstar i dont understand the people who are complaining here! this guy (z33) is a fucking sweet vendor! he helped me with my order even tho im a noob for that i thank you z33 the phone has arrived and as i told u ill order another one for my friend @++
- January 11, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I don't know why I still care but for the others out there he's pure bs
- November 10, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Stole my BTC. Guys, do not trust this guy.
- October 25, 2016
starstarstarstarstar very good +++++ will order soon
- October 5, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Very professional sir, the package was protected and the phone in the original box, i will definitely order again, thank you.
- September 20, 2016
- September 11, 2016
starstarstarstarstar His site is good
But I've sent that guy an email and hasn't replied yet

- September 10, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Three months let's see if he send it I hope he does
- September 10, 2016
starstarstarstarstar This is pr12542
Don't listen to the guyz who are giving him good reviews

- September 10, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Fake. Illegitimate bullshit
- September 5, 2016
starstarstarstarstar i agree i got the htc vive even if it came in 10 days instead of 7 but i still got it this guy is a pro
- August 28, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Wow so much hate regardless this dude who is doing a fucking great job ! i ordered 3 times in 1 year and i always get my order!
- August 13, 2016
starstarstarstarstar After paying my bitcoins, z33shop didn't reply and the ss-escrow site where he sent me to do the payment didn't show the money paid, gave no escrow payment reference and after my message to them asking about this problem, the site was even suspended. Not accessible anymore. If you are ingenuous like me, don't pay your money to these crooks! By the way, in may language, if you change a letter in the word escrow, it gets the meaning of crook! I announce now z33 that he won't get away with this, if I won't receive my paid phone. I sleep peacefully about it since I have this certainty already, no scammer and fraud can get away for a long time and the hand of justice is so long that gets everyone of them, right when they feel the best and when they think they just escaped. It was not first time in my life when a scammer or a crook has stolen something from me, but each and every time they got caught and had to pay or give back what they kept and to write declarations to the officers in charge with that specific case. I am sorry for them, but the choice was only their's to steel. Now they have time to reflect on that. Till Monday the nights will be a good adviser to you, z33, surely. Your delivery confirmation will be expected only till noon on Monday, keep in mind!
- August 9, 2016
starstarstarstarstar tyyyyyyy awesome ! i got the htc vive :D !!!!!!!!!! (y)
- August 1, 2016
starstarstarstarstar completely fake didn't receive iPhone after 2 months
- July 30, 2016
starstarstarstarstar ok ok all good
- July 29, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Fake don't encourage this bullshitter
- July 7, 2016
starstarstarstarstar Fake!!!
- July 4, 2016
starstarstarstarstar hello it's david i just got the xbox thank you so much

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