Write a reviewBob - June 4, 2017
Hans - June 4, 2017
John - June 4, 2017
They did send everyone a mail regarding the switch to 2.0
If they would be scamming, why tell people the upgrade and why not just stop ?
Maybe it's not going as it should. Fact that they notified all users, is a good thing.
Fact that Twitter and Facebook are gone,is BAD.
So i have no clue what to expect.
John - June 4, 2017
Just called their number, but it's from a shopping mall in Hong kong !!
This sucks so bad.
I had trust in them, but this is too crazy.
If tomorrow nothings up, they are scammers.
Fact that twitter is gone and facebook, is a BAD sign :(
Been working with them for some months, never issues.
For now, i'll wait.
lollo - June 4, 2017
Chucks - June 3, 2017
Topius - June 3, 2017
Facebook Dissipated
Twitter Disappeared
I don't want to think about it.
but lets say it is all part of planed Update Plan to Splititmining 2.0 -.- If so I am sorry to have any suspicion :D
Good luck
Topius - June 1, 2017
Total amount earned
0.18710538 BTC
2017.06.01 13:21 Processed 0.0336 (BTC)
2017.05.29 15:45 Processed 0.016 (BTC)
2017.05.27 19:19 Processed 0.047 (BTC)
2017.05.21 18:11 Processed 0.029 (BTC)
2017.05.17 22:57 Processed 0.0377 (BTC)
2017.05.12 17:53 Processed 0.00775706 (BTC)
2017.05.11 11:17 Processed 0.003 (BTC) 100ghz free registration bonus
Good Luck