

Postebit è un cambio Euro Bitcoin, facile, veloce e sicuro, puoi comprare bitcoin con una ricarica postepay, in euro contanti oppure online tramite poste italiane, puoi vendere bitcoin in cambio di euro se sei titolare di una carta postepay.

Postebit is a fast easy and secure Euro to Bitcoin exchange. You can purchase bitcoin by recharging your Postepay card, in cash or even online using the Italian Postal Banking system. You can sell your bitcoin to us if you have a Postpay Card.


Write a review
- July 19, 2023
starstarstarstarstar This is a broker that automatically operates currencies, making my money disappear in a matter of minutes. They are a fraud company and have no ethics or professionalism, as well as not being registered for anything. My deposit was 153 soles, re c l a i m expert n et came to my rescue withdrawing's my funds. Whatsapp: 414 810-2576
- June 20, 2020
starstarstarstarstar Ich bin bereit, Sie in Ihrem Land zu treffen, um den Rest meines Lebens für immer glücklich mit Ihnen zu verbringen, wenn Sie mir eine iTunes-Geschenkkarte im Wert von 300 Dollar senden können, damit ich meine Kreditkarte hier im Meer aktualisieren kann, damit ich bestellen kann Urlaub für mich, um dich in deinem Land zu treffen, um meine Liebe zu dir zu beweisen, und ich habe versprochen, dir das Geld zurückzugeben, sobald ich mit dir nach Hause komme. OK
- September 8, 2018
starstarstarstarstar postebit is really good website
- August 30, 2018
starstarstarstarstar AVVERTENZA: L' acquisto di #bitcoin tramite #Postebit S.r.l. è sospeso, il nostro unico sito web è irraggiungibile in quanto sottoposto ad un sequestro preventivo da parte delle autorità italiane. ( 2 dic 2017)
- August 30, 2018
starstarstarstarstar ACHTUNG: Der Kauf von #bitcoin über #Postebit S.r.l. ist suspendiert, unsere einzige Website ist unerreichbar, da sie von den italienischen Behörden präventiv beschlagnahmt wird. (2 Dezember 2017)
- August 30, 2018
starstarstarstarstar AVERTISSEMENT: L'achat de #bitcoin via #Postebit S.r.l. est suspendu, notre seul site Web est inaccessible car il est soumis à une saisie préventive par les autorités italiennes. (2 déc 2017)
- August 30, 2018
starstarstarstarstar ADVERTENCIA: la compra de #bitcoin a través de #Postebit S.r.l. está suspendido, nuestro único sitio web es inalcanzable ya que está sujeto a confiscación preventiva por parte de las autoridades italianas. (2 de diciembre de 2017)
- August 30, 2018
starstarstarstarstar WARNING: The purchase of #bitcoin through #Postebit S.r.l. is suspended, our only website is unattainable as it is subject to preventive seizure by the Italian authorities. (2 Dec 2017)
- August 30, 2018
starstarstarstarstar AVVERTENZA: L' acquisto di #bitcoin tramite #Postebit S.r.l. è sospeso, il nostro unico sito web è irraggiungibile in quanto sottoposto ad un sequestro preventivo da parte delle autorità italiane.
( 2 dic 2017)

- July 3, 2018
starstarstarstarstar full of scam dont waste your money and time
- November 18, 2017
starstarstarstarstar These guys are great. I am a non English speaker living in Milano and found this company on Google. I placed my first order and received my bitcoins in 15 mins and now I am their regular customer and purchase bitcoins on regular basis. The best thing about this company is that these guys speak perfect English and respond very fast. I will recommend them to everyone.
- October 24, 2017
starstarstarstarstar hey guys why you are making a scam website. you really all bad guys
- June 1, 2017
starstarstarstarstar italy..finally I will use it!
Thanks postebit!!

- March 29, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Ottimo servizio, bitcoin ricevuti in meno di 10 minuti. La prossima volta saprò dove andare a ricaricare il mio portafoglio
- September 11, 2015
starstarstarstarstar Fast service and excellent support. Great company for foreigners and English speakers, thank you.
- September 11, 2015
starstarstarstarstar These guys are great. I am a non English speaker living in Milano and found this company on Google. I placed my first order and received my bitcoins in 15 mins and now I am their regular customer and purchase bitcoins on regular basis. The best thing about this company is that these guys speak perfect English and respond very fast. I will recommend them to everyone.
- August 9, 2015
starstarstarstarstar Servizio ottimo, veloce e sicuro! In poco tempo dall'ordine ho ricevuto i miei bitcoin! Il servizio assistenza è eccellente! Continuerò sicuramente a usare il servizio di Postebit!
- August 2, 2015
starstarstarstarstar The only bitcoin company I have found in Italy with good support. I randomly purchase bitcoins and I'm very happy with their service.
- August 2, 2015
starstarstarstarstar No doubt a good company. Thank you.
- August 1, 2015
starstarstarstarstar Peter is very pro-active and always available to help. I will recommend this company to others.

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