

PCEX Member is the most trusted and best place to buy, sell, & trade (BTC), (ETH), (USDT), (BCH), & more crypto assets in India. Trade in USDT, USD or INR market with high volume & liquidity!


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- March 1, 2022
starstarstarstarstar let u deposit but no withdrawl, recently they disabled login as well......
- October 29, 2021
starstarstarstarstar I am already opened account with them. This is my genuine review about them. They allow you to fund and disable the withdraw. You can't reach their customer service. This is the worst Crypto Exchange i have faced. If you have free money throw it to poor who needs money.
- February 16, 2021
starstarstarstarstar Thank you very much!
- January 28, 2021
starstarstarstarstar This company is excellent. Thank you very much!

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