UpdateIntroduction of Ititanium coin:
Ititaniumcoin is an open source, peer-to-peer, community driven decentralized cryptocurrency that allow people to store and invest their wealth in a non-government controlled currency, and even earn a substantial interest on investment.
Ititanium coin (ITC) is pure Proof of Stake coin, except stage of initial distribution, when it was mixed PoW and PoS coin
Proof Of Stake:
Investing in Ititanium Coin Staking in POS and get 100% in 1 year
1.Buy Ititanium coin from exchange
2.Download Ititanium Coin Desktop wallet
3.Stake Ititanium coin (Hold your Ititanium coin for minimum 15 days to start earning staking interest)
The moment you acquire Ititanium Coin it becomes an interest-bearing asset with Up to 100% return per year through PoS minting. All you have to do to earn with this method is to hold coins in your Ititanium -QT wallet. This means anyone holding Ititanium Coin in their wallet will receive interest on their balance in return for helping maintain security of the network, learn more to stake Ititanium Coin
1.Ititanium Coin Staking Interest
2.Ititanium Coin adopt a Fixed Proof of Stake(PoS) interest rate that will be given periodically pay-out as per following
3.Monthly fixed 8.3% ROI on your ITC Balance in your Desktop wallet which will be paid daily with variable interest to your ITC Wallet Balance.
This means anyone holding Ititanium Coin in their wallet will receive interest on their staking balance in return for helping maintain security of the network.
You can terminate coin staking anytime and send all your coin with interest to exchange platform or web wallet.
Remember: You require to hold your ITITANIUM Coin minimum for 15 days to start earning Staking interest. You will see PoS minting Block in your wallet any time after 15 days, the number of block you earn are based upon the number of coins you hold in wallet software
Ititaniumcoin Specifications
Algorithm : Scrypt
Type : PoW/PoS
Coin abbreviation : ITC
Address letter : T
RPC port : 27040
P2P port : 27039
Block reward : 75 coins
Total coin supply : 38414634 coins
Premine percent : 18%
Premine amount : 6914634 coins
PoS percentage : 100% per year
Last PoW block : 10000
Coinbase maturity : 20 blocks
Target spacing : 64 seconds
Target timespan : 1 block
Transaction confirmations : 3 blocks
Website :
explorer : Code:
White paper:
Facebook link:
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explorer :
Bitcointalk :;u=1387400;sa=showPosts
Functional description:
The ITC coin implements the proof-of-stake mechanism. This means that the ITC coin holders can earn additional coins by simply holding ITC coins for up to 5 hours. Money makes money, just so does the PoS mining that allows you to earn coins without the use of mining farms and special equipment. This type of investment is similar to a bank deposit on which the interest is charged. There are the funds in your owner's wallet and not the third person, no one else can take them away. The profitability of the POS mining does not depend on the workload of the network. With the achievement of maximum to the final release of the coin, Proof-of-Stake will increase the money supply in relation to demand and the development of the project.
Marketing plan:
- Publication of overview articles about ITC
- Promotion of ITC in news portals
- Promotion of ITC in social networks
- Indexing in search engines
- Create landing page for ITC
- Advertising campaigns for different target groups
- Investor loyalty program
- Partner programs in related industries
Initial Coin Offering:
We are planning to list Ico in Livecoin exchange in few days. The Ico will run for approximately 45 days,during the Ico period there are 6.9 million ITC coins will be distributed(approximately 18% of the total ITC coins).
After completion of ICO we are planning to list our ITC coin in Below exchanges :
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