Write a reviewMuhammad Imtiaz - May 19, 2019
frustrated - May 4, 2019
Alfa - April 24, 2019
Jenny - April 4, 2019
this must be fake - March 31, 2019
When the situation with Bitcoin deteriorated, I began to get angry and nervous. I thought that HF me deceive and I will lose all my money. I wrote to the support service and they did not answer me for 5 days. I was already sure that everything ... the collapse had come .. but I was wrong. The support service replied and I started paying my money. Thank you for your decency and for being so good)))))
BP - March 31, 2019
Stolling bitcoins - March 23, 2019
Jaygo - March 21, 2019
TOTAL SCAM - February 26, 2019
And when requesting withdrawal, it keeps state being "in process".
ve er - February 13, 2019
Iman - February 11, 2019
If you want to loose use their services.
They changed lifetime contracts to 1 year and after that they give you nothing because they mine for themselves with your money.
Wolf Gang - February 9, 2019
They still sell mining power! Without having and chance to mine bitcoins. Ethereum the same.
I invested about 3500€ and my wallet shows only 350€.
Withdrawal limits are so high, Even in you would earn a bit, you can‘t withdraw it....
Stay away!
Maybe you could minimize my losses by a small tip. I would appreciate that.