UpdateGunbot crypto trading bot allows you to automate your trading operations on the most popular exchanges: Binance, Kraken, Bittrex, Bitmex, Poloniex, Kukoin, Coinbase Pro, Bitfinex and many more. It works on Windows, Linux, Mac and ARM.
Write a reviewRipped off - July 22, 2021
I did receive the standard licence and a settings pack rar file. There was NO premium support. In fact after 3 days I'm still going round in circles with Javier.
I have received NO help with installation other than recommending a VPS service which turns out is crap and had cost me a day of my life and another £35.
I have NO access to the support area at all.
I paid more than the equivalent of an Ultimate licence to get messed around and fed empty promises.
Just buy from someone else and save yourself the agro