

We are the #1 source for DJI drones in North America. We provide you with the latest drone technology from DJI at the lowest prices, we support you with fast shipping services to US and Canadian customers, and we train you from beginner to professional at the DJI-Drones Flight School. is the preferred US & Canadian dealer for DJI, the #1 manufacturer of aerial photography Drones worldwide.
We pride ourselves in our unparalleled customer service, full warranty and repair center.  We stand behind every product we sell and will "bend over backwards" to keep our customers happy.  
We started off as drone enthusiasts just like you!  With over 2 decades of experience in the R/C hobby industry, we understand that getting into the multirotor hobby can be costly, confusing, and scary without the proper training.  DJI-Drones provides you with the lowest priced DJI Drones available in the United States and Canada.


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