
Update is the first cryptocurrency and altcoin exchange aggregator. It has integrated many leading exchanges across the globe to provide best exchange rates to users. Currently, it supports over 100 cryptocurrencies and more than 6000 pairs to exchange. Here is the list of all supported coins at CoinSwitch:

Please write to [email protected] if you have any queries!

Why CoinSwitch?
1) CoinSwitch supports more than 250 cryptocurrencies and more than 6000 pairs for conversion.
2) They combine all altcoins available on all listed exchanges. So people don’t have to worry about which exchange supports what coins.
3) You can compare rates of different exchanges in a very intuitive UI which always gets you the best price.
4) We know the availability of exchanges better, so we can suggest the one which is working well for others.
5) They provide real-time chat support. So if you have any queries, it can be resolved on the go.

Major supported cryptocurrencies
It supports over 100 cryptocurrencies. Here are the few major ones.
Ethereum Classic
and many more...


Write a review
- September 23, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Though I was skeptical at first, considering the volume and price increase every day, I had to try this.
Also in India, there is no option to buy Litecoin/Ripple/Lisk directly this option is viable.
There are many options in the market but this site is easier to understand.
Though coin switch doesn't change much, the destination wallets do take charges for transfer.
I like it and would continue to exchange more till this crypto-currency market is booming.

- September 19, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Being a newbie, I needed to contact chat support. Was delighted by the speedy reply, knowledge, and attentiveness through the whole process. Truly outstanding support!!
- September 16, 2017
starstarstarstarstar A great concept. The process is easy to understand and use. I had an issue, which wasn't their fault, and I was able to chat with customer service immediately and get the issue resolved. I highly recommend.
- September 15, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I got to know about coinswitch from one of my friends. I was not aware of any exchange aggregator earlier. I purchased ARK coin from them using Bittrex exchange and it went well. I pinged their customer care team on chat to know my order status and that guy responded nicely. I'm going to use coinswitch again.
- September 12, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Their customer support is best.
- September 6, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Coinswitch is a scam. I posted proof on my blog

- September 5, 2017
starstarstarstarstar I sent them .5012 btc (approximately $2180 usd at the time) and was told I would get 103 NEO (approximately $2110) I got 99 NEO (approximately $2050) Coinswitch cheated me out of $60 AND shorted me 4 coins
When I contacted them they said the price had gone up so they changed the deal in their favor even though that was the day of the Chinese ICO ban and the price dropped everywhere else.
Point is, the exchange rate they put on their website is not what you actually get and if you search the web you will see they cheat people like this all the time.

- August 21, 2017
starstarstarstarstar Great service. Best rates. I liked their live chat support.

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