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  1. CoinCharities - starstarstarstarstar CoinCharities is a project to facilitate donations to charities and non-profits all around the world by using digital currencies.
  2. - starstarstarstarstar Like adopt-a-road.
  3. The BitHope Foundation - starstarstarstarstar The BitHope Foundation is the first Bulgarian non-governmental organization (NGO) in public benefit that uses ONLY cryptocurrency to accumul...
  4. Puppy Hub - starstarstarstarstar Dog rescue organization, bringing together rescue groups, shelters and pounds, municipal animal control, and anyone interested in fostering ...
  5. Church of Saint John the Evangelist - Support a church with Bitcoins!
  6. Dark Stone Bromelias Practice Center - A nonprofit run place in the Atlantic forest of Brazil open to anyone who seeks to cultivate understanding, respect & care for all beings & ...
  7. Machine Intelligence Research Institute - MIRI exists to ensure that the creation of smarter-than-human intelligence has a positive impact. We provide tax receipts for BTC donations!
  8. Bitcoins for Charity - donate your clock cycles to the greater good! BTC4C aggregates charities that directly accept Bitcoin donations on their own behalf; there's...
  9. Watsi - Directly fund low-cost, high-impact medical care for people in need.
  10. BitSpotMe - YouTube Social Network Monetization platform. Enabling YouTube, Social Media channels, charities and crowdfunding campaigns to raise funds t...
  11. BitCharities - BitCharities is a platforms that brings charities and nonprofits to the world of Bitcoin.
  12. PeaceGeeks - Support international peace and human security projects
  13. Douglas County Dental Clinic - Nonprofit community dental clinic in Kansas that accepts Bitcoin donations.
  14. Give-A-Bit - Free Bitcoin Donation Pages for Everyone
  15. Sean's Outpost - Homeless Outreach Center, Pensacola, FL
  16. Sea Sheperd Australia - Non-profit ocean protection and conservation organization, committed to protecting wildlife and ecosystems of the oceans

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YouTube Social Network Monetization platform. Enabling YouTube, Social...


Like adopt-a-road. You submit speedlimit sign locations and get recog...


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Free Bitcoin Donation Pages for Everyone Give-A-Bit...

The BitHope Foundation


The BitHope Foundation is the first Bulgarian non-governmental organiz...


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BitCharities is a platforms that brings charities and nonprofits to th...