

A leveraged trading platform allowing Long and Short positions to be opened in Bitcoin. No fiat money transfers are required.


Write a review
- July 7, 2017
starstarstarstarstar click link to get signed up you earn 15% bonus ……..Instant withdrawal ….Paying every minute
- October 24, 2014
starstarstarstarstar I've traded OTC on some of the larger exchanges and have had some bad experiences with the lack of transparency on a lot of them. All fees are shown up front on in the trading screen so I've not had any of the surprises I've seen elsewhere.
- October 3, 2014
starstarstarstarstar I used Bitcoinica in its early days before they disappeared with all of my money, since then I switched and tried out a few other platforms, is one of the most intuitive however they were affected by the MtGox collapse and stopped trading for a while.

I've contacted their support desk about deposit and withdrawal delays but have always found them to be friendly and responsive.

- October 3, 2014
starstarstarstarstar They added charting recently which made their service a lot more usable. Ive not had any trouble with trade prices slipping as i always use bitcoinwisdom to monitor fill success rates.
- September 2, 2014
starstarstarstarstar Site works for what it says but they always skim money. For example if you click the sell button when it says "$500" it will spin for a few minutes and execute the trade at around "$495" and then show your position down $5 from the get-go.

This happens in both volatile and non-volatile times. Right now the sell button has been sitting around $481 for 30+ minutes and I clicked sell option and it executed the trade at $475. This even goes against their live charts. In short they gave themselves an additional $11 hedge at my expense.

The system works but they find ways to make extra off of you. Check other the other major trading platforms and you will be better for.

- July 26, 2014
starstarstarstarstar Self explanatory, similar to some of the trading platforms out there like CMC and E-Trade. Leverage is a quick win but you have to be careful.
- April 16, 2014
starstarstarstarstar Nice site! Easy to use and play the derivatives market on.
- March 21, 2014
starstarstarstarstar BTC.SX - THIEVES! They steal money and ignore users. I'm not the only one having this problem!

Check this, please

These guys connected with Mt. Gox!
For the sake of all the robbed in cryptocommunity, highlight this, participate!

- March 17, 2014
starstarstarstarstar Works well for leveraged trading. Easy to use.
- February 26, 2014
starstarstarstarstar They halted their withdrawals... they won't reply to their emails... I think that has gone gox on us. Maybe they're insolvent? This really sucks.

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