Description is the world's fastest and safest Bitcoin trading platform that allows buyers and sellers to indirectly transact via cash deposit, Western Union or MoneyGram by using our trusted escrow system. To purchase Bitcoins on BitQuick, a buyer deposits cash into the seller's account (or at a local Western Union or MoneyGram kiosk), and the Bitcoins are sent shortly after uploading an image of the deposit receipt.
You can get started via and go from cash in your pocket to bitcoin in your wallet in 3 hours or less!
Write a reviewDavid - July 5, 2016
Caleb - July 2, 2016
henry - June 29, 2016
John l - June 29, 2016
Gabe - June 29, 2016
John - June 26, 2016
I had a couple of questions which were answered almost immediately and satisfactorily.
Bitcoins were sent and received.
Thank you BitQuick!!!!
DegenRegen - June 21, 2016
Regarding my inflammatory, emotionally fueled review below this one:
To be more specific, I had requested confirmation from upon receipt of my "validated hold" upload via email around 4:50pm CST. Apparently, a space between "." and "com" had prevented the "hold email" from reaching me in the first place. Having $1500+ floating around out there with no inclination to the stage of your hold on the website or via email is quite off-putting, in my opinion. About two hours went by and I heard nothing from them.
So I inquired again and this time, a quick response came. To which I immediately responded with my issue; this was at about 6:40pm CST. They let me know that there was an issue with my email input originally, to which I naturally asked, "why on Earth was I not notified of this after my email to you after my deposit 2 hours ago?"
Then, email silence. Having heard from them and then providing an immediate response, I had expected something back within a reasonable amount of time. Instead, from 6:40pm to 9:15Pm, communication was a one way street (me to them). I literally begged for a response and got nothing. If you count my original email requesting a confirmation at 4:50pm...we're talking about nearly FOUR AND A HALF hours till this issue was resolved. That is simply unsatisfactory.
*****Had they taken the time to look at my original email and had some semblance of duty to follow up, they would have noticed a VERY REAL deposit receipt attached and would have taken the time to figure out which hold it belonged to and things would have gone much more smoothly.*****
*****Had they looked up my hold via phone number (or any other bit of info on the attached deposit slip photo), things would have gone much more smoothly.*****
*****Had I been notified that they didn't see my email having any holds for the day when I originally made contact in the afternoon, things would have gone much more smoothly.*****
However, for some reason that is beyond my understanding, they chose to completely ignore an incoming email with an attached deposit slip for over $1,500 from a customer that had been coming to them nearly every day for the past week. This is not good customer service.
If customers could track their holds in some way via the website, problems like this would be completely eliminated and the level of customer service would increase tenfold to a mutual benefit. Barring that, more timely emails...better yet, not ignoring them to begin with...would go a long way by itself.
A key aside: I was reached out to (with perseverance) by representatives from both and Athena Bitcoin the next day. They have made it clear that they intended to right any wrong I felt had been done to me. They did, in fact, send my BTC...not only minus fee, but with a .05 bonus.
John - June 21, 2016
Chad (BitQuick Team) - June 21, 2016
DegenRegen - June 21, 2016
These two con artists have stolen $1511 from me. After several semi successful buys through their service, today I deposited $1511 into an account at a Credit Union Branch. Upon placing the hold, I didn't receive the email but the site confirmed my hold...this has happened before and "support" had me just email in the pic of the deposit receipt and explained that they were sorry but the system just didn't send out my email this time.
I did that this time. I deposited $1,511.96 into the account as instructed and emailed the receipt in. Hours later I hadn't received confirmation of them even getting my email, so I inquired. Heard NOTHING back. Inquired again...this time, "support" says, "we're sorry, we don't have any record of a hold placed from your email today...which email did you use?"
No big deal, this is EXACTLY what happened last time and I just gave them the info on who's account I deposited into, the amount, etc and they were able to quickly find my order and payout my BTC. NOT THIS TIME. I responded with said information and hours have gone by now with no response.
I've sent multiple emails and these two scumbags are ignoring them. I'm contacting the authorities and spreading a word of warning to everyone I can. These two con artists selectively steal from customers.
Docwoo - June 18, 2016
Heydoc - June 18, 2016
satisfied customer - June 17, 2016
Sal - June 16, 2016
coachk - June 14, 2016
very fast very simple and discreet
are the rates being reflected by the past security issues?
C. McCoy - June 13, 2016
Awesome! - June 9, 2016
Adam K - April 4, 2016
I've had funds transferred without being paid, and being told it was not their fault they released the funds without the deposit.
However, research the company - it's two students running the site from a virtual office.