

The unique Provide and Get Help system that refund 80% if you don't get help in 2 weeks.

The unique PH/GH with a honest admin. Here dont have fake GETHELP, The admin salary is only 1% of comission from your Provide HELP


BitcoinGlobalHelp is a people community, which help each other for free, and absolutely consciously, they transfer money directly to each other, from one Bitcoin account to another, without any conditions, guarantees and promises. Just only because they want to do that. Because it is a good deal to help each other.
It means the Mutual benefit fund as it is.

πŸ‘‰ How it works

A member will click on (Provide Help) and select Bitcoins.
The member then types amount he or she is willing to Help with and clicks on β€˜submit’.
The member makes the payment on the wallet address of the order.
For Bitcoins the system confirms via hash and attaching proof of payment.
When the transaction is confirmed the member is added on the payout queue.
The member will see an order on the dashboard and confirm when payment is received.
The trader goes back to step one.

πŸ‘‰ Earn 7% referral Bonus per Help.

πŸ‘‰ Earn at least 16% profit (monthly) or 3% (weekly) per Help Plan.

πŸ‘‰ Daily Minimum help in Bitcoins is $10, and Maximum is $30000

πŸ‘‰ Manager Bonus (7%, 2%, 1%, 1%)

πŸ‘‰ No Restart



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