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  1. Paradox Prints - cut-up style collage made of words and phrases cut from magazines and assembled back together to form a picture of Abraham Lincoln's assassi...
  2. Otto Normalos Postkarten und Hoerbuecher - Postcards for discerning people - in German
  3. Candles, Webhosting, PCB - Exclusive gifts, Cheap webhosting, PCB handmade, etc.
  4. Financial Graph & Art - Large-format graphical displays of financial data to decorate your home, study, or office.
  5. The Odd Shot - photography by Trevor Farrell
  6. Anja Putensen "Inner Landscapes" - High-quality artistic prints on coated Aluminium Sheets
  7. Dear Husband Yarns - Hand-Dyed Wool yarns: Beautiful Yarns for Beautiful Projects
  8. The Thomas Chung - Drawings, paintings, graphics design
  9. Cubicdissection - Collector-grade interlocking puzzles and puzzle boxes.
  10. Peter Yuen Photography - Animal photography by Peter Yuen, with print proceeds going to charity.

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